business school商学院:
major upates to the bachelor of commerce an bachelor of commerce international incluing商学学士与商学学士(国际)学位的专业方向已更新
common first year for all bcom stuents – integrate first year allows stuents to stuy cross-isciplinary business courses incluing value creation, business ecision making an innovation & collaboration in business
manatory wil 学生须完成商业实践项目
mybcom series ae which inclues the mybcom blueprint, my bcom grauate portfolio an various skills evelopment opportunities
upates to majors. we now have 10 bachelor of commerce majors
accounting 会计
business analytics 商业分析
business economics 商业经济
finance 金融
financial technology 金融科技
information systems 信息系统
international business 国际商务
human resource management 人力资源管理
marketing 市场营销
taxation 税法
﹙business law, business strategy & economic management, financial economics, management an real estate stuies will no longer be offere to new stuents﹚
minor upates to the bachelor of economics an bachelor of actuarial stuies 经济学学士与精算学学士辅修专业方向更新
secon major options reflect the above 10 bachelor of commerce majors
postgrauate 硕士学位
new programs 新学位
grauate certificate in business analytics (7456)商业分析研究生证书
master of applie economics ﹙8429﹚ 应用经济学硕士
program upates
master of management is now a completely online program run through unsw online 管理学硕士将授课形式改为网络授课形式。
master of commerce + master of commerce ﹙extension﹚ – specialization upates.
specializations in 2021 are 2021学年专业选择如下:
accounting 会计
business analytics 商业分析
business strategy 商业策略
economics & finance 经济与金融
finance 金融
financial technology 金融科技
global sustainability & social impact 全球可持续性与社会影响力
human resource management 人力资源管理
innovation an entrepreneurship 创新与创业
international business 国际商务
management accounting 会计管理
marketing 市场营销
marketing analytics 市场分析
risk management 风险管理
﹙remove business law, supply change management, enterprise systems & business esign, organization & management﹚
master of taxation is now a single stream program, we have remove all majors ﹙international taxation, revenue aministration, taxation & financial planning, applie tax﹚
suspene programs 2021年取消的硕士课程
master of economics ﹙8412﹚ 经济学硕士
master of financial planning ﹙9273﹚ 金融规划硕士
master of information systems an technology management ﹙8543﹚ 信息系统管理硕士
arts an social science人文与社会科学学部
postgrauate 硕士学位
programs upate学位课程更新:以下学位新增2年时长学位
master of pr an avertising ﹙1/1.7/2 year﹚ ﹙8281﹚ 公共关系与广告学硕士
master of journalism an communication ﹙1/1.7/2 year﹚ ﹙8232﹚ 新闻与传播学硕士
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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