to all members of the university of toronto community:
i am writing to let you know about a very important change in the start ate for winter term classes in january – a change that will affect most members of the university community.
it’s prompte by the fact that we’ve all been uner an extraorinary amount of stress for months now, because of the burens impose by the covi-19 panemic. the entire leaership team across our three campuses cares eeply about the wellness of each an every one of you. we want to make sure that you’re able to rest an recharge, an to make the most of the upcoming holiay break.
to that en, we have ecie the following:
for first-entry unergrauate ivisions, classes for the winter term will begin on monay, january 11, a week later than originally planne.
for grauate an professional programs, the start ate for winter term classes will vary. in some programs, the start ate will shift to monay, january 11. however, in other programs it will be necessary to keep to the original scheule an resume classes on monay, january 4 – this is to ensure that stuents in these programs can complete their courses in a timely manner as planne.
the university will be officially close as of ecember 23, an will reopen on january 4 as originally planne. the shift of the start ate for classes involves enormous aministrative complexities, meaning that our staff-appointe employees will still be neee to return to work on monay, january 4. to support their wellness, we are granting these employees three aitional pai ays off, to be taken as a block or iniviually, with approval from their managers as per stanar proceures, anytime between toay an august 31, 2021.
for more etails relevant to your particular circumstances, information for stuents will be available later toay through the utogether website. faculty members, librarians an staff members shoul consult the human resources & equity site.
i woul like to take this opportunity to offer a wor of encouragement to all of you. first, to our stuents: you eserve to be very prou of your accomplishments in this uniquely challenging year. we appreciate how ifficult it has been. staff an faculty members across the university have been working very har to provie the best possible learning environment an the best possible experience in all aspects of stuent life uner the current circumstances. we are also continuing to implement the reesign of stuent mental health services that we announce this past january. while we have mae consierable progress on that front, the work is continuing, an completing the full reesign remains a top priority. we are committe to oing everything we can to support your wellness an acaemic success, as we make our way together through this historic time.
to our faculty members, librarians, teaching assistants, aministrative staff, traespeople, an stuent services proviers: you have gone above an beyon to ensure that the university of toronto continues to fulfill its acaemic mission. as a result, we are elivering a high-quality online learning experience. our research an innovation output remains robust. we are making many important contributions to the fight against the panemic, locally, nationally an globally. an in all our operations, we are protecting the health an safety of the u of t community. at the same time, many of us have ha to meet major new emans at home, from managing the schooling nees of our chilren to caring for our elerly parents. others among us are experiencing isolation an mental health challenges cause or exacerbate by the panemic. on behalf of the university’s entire senior leaership team, i want to say that your eication is notice an very much appreciate.
as we continue through this challenging time, let’s all continue to be minful of those aroun us, as well as ourselves. if we’re concerne that someone may be struggling, let’s ask how they’re oing an listen to what they have to say. as we have seen in so many ways throughout the year, kinness an empathy can be increibly powerful, even transformative. an if we ourselves are struggling, let’s not hesitate to reach out an ask for help. ﹙links to the various services available through the university are provie below.﹚
the panemic will be with us for some time, an we will continue to face perios of heightene stress an iscouragement. but the u of t community has shown itself to be wonerfully aaptable an resilient. the spirit of eication an collaboration that has brought us this far will continue to carry us forwar. an while we appreciate the enormous challenges in eveloping an elivering a safe an effective covi-19 vaccine, we can nonetheless take heart in the very promising recent news on that crucial front.
thank you all for your many contributions an your inspiring example. i wish you a safe, healthy an successful remainer to the term.
meric s. gertler
感谢我们的教职员工、图书管理员、助教、行政人员、商人和学生服务提供商:你们已经超越一切,确保多伦多大学继续履行其学术使命。因此,我们提供高质量的在线学习体验。我们的研究和创新成果仍然强劲。我们正在为地方、国家和全球防治这一流行病的斗争作出重要贡献。在我们所有的行动中,我们都在保护u of t社区的健康和安全。与此同时,我们中的人不得不在家里满足新的需求,从管理孩子的上学需求到照顾年迈的父母。我们中的其他人正经历着这种流行病造成或加剧的孤立和心理健康挑战。我谨代表学校全体高层领导班子,对你们的奉献精神表示关注和高度赞赏。
这一流行病将伴随我们一段时间,我们将继续面临更大的压力和沮丧的时期。但是u of t社区已经证明了自己的适应性和弹性。把我们带到这一步的献身精神和协作精神将继续推动我们前进。虽然我们认识到在开发和提供安全有效的covi-19疫苗方面面临的巨大挑战,但我们仍然可以对这一关键领域最近非常有希望的消息感到振奋。
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