Master of Clinical Psychology课程竞争激烈并且位置非常有限。 因此对于此课程,在九月末申请截止后,学校将会对所有的申请人进行排名,给出录取候选人名单。对于进入候选的学生,学校可能会进行面试筛选。 学校感谢学生能够尽早提交申请,但由于此课程的评估程序比较复杂,学生可能直到年底才会收到学校发来的评估结果。
原文请见以下: Please be avise the Master of Clinical Psychology is highly competitive an has a very limite number of places. For this program, there is an application ealine of en of September after which all applications are ranke an short liste. From there another shortlist is rawn up for interviews. Therefore, while we appreciate that you submitte an early application, ue to the nature of the amission assessment process at the School, you will probably not hear of an outcome till the en of the year.
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