auburn locks with bright golen streaks sprout from my hea an fall upon my shoulers. ark clumps of melanin sprinkle my rosy cheeks. only two percent of people in the worl have this conition. my fiery copper mane appears arker inoors but glows a warm ginger in the sun. ever since i came out of the womb an my a yelpe "the baby has re hair!" i stoo apart. because of this rare trait i was born with, i now operate with the belief to simply be me an embrace myself for who i am.
"oh my gosh….can i touch it?" whispere the enchante, slight, gray-haire lay in footown with her wrinkle han elongate towar my hea as she approache my mom an me. "hurry up!" squeale my naturally tan, blone friens who baske in the sun without having to worry about getting burnt as i aggressively applie sunscreen to every inch of my boy. nothing is more frustrating than living at the jersey shore an having to spen a half hour at the beach slathering on sunscreen every two hours. i use to long to be a tan, blone beach bum an change my fiery hea of hair, not because i in't like my auburn strans, but because i in't want to be ifferent. "cheeto-hea" an "carrot-top" are embarrassing names i have been calle by groups of boys while just strolling through town. "never, ever ye your hair! it's so beautiful," warne my hairresser. natural re hair is more ifficult to ye than any other shae because it hols its pigment much firmer than other hair colors. however, no matter how much i longe to change my hair, i knew it woul be impractical.
the impracticality of changing my hair color became a reminer to me to stay true to who i am as a person. as an inclusive chil, i was the one to ask the shy girl sitting alone on the playgroun to join me on the monkey bars, the one to pair up with the boy with own synrome for an art project, the one to walk the boy with iabetes to the nurse's office to check his bloo sugar, an the one to take the new girl who was crying to the guiance counselor, who is now one of my closest friens. i like people an believe that we shoul all embrace our unique qualities, abilities, iniviuality, an natural colors. espite this, i o know how har it is to stay true to one's core beliefs when the majority believes in something else.
in eighth grae, my basketball friens were all eciing where they were going to atten high school. i esperately wante to atten the private, catholic high school own the street, but my parents wante me to stay in our sening istrict an atten our public high school because the acaemics are superior to the private school's. i wante to blen in an o what all the other basketball girls were oing, which was choosing the high school with the best basketball program. "why woul you go there?" the girls woul question me since my high school ha a long reputation of having a noncompetitive basketball program. i woul think to myself, ugh, they're i am being ifferent again! instea, choosing my public school was one of the best ecisions i have ever mae because i was able to be part of a unique situation, help my new coach buil a newly competitive program, become an impactful player, an stay true to me.
like my re pigment, i believe in the fact that everyone shoul stay true to who they are an not change their unique colors because they want to conform to society. the elerly lay who was enamore with my hair color lives insie me now: embracing all of my true colors an simply being me.
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