2020年12月25日,英国女王圣诞节致辞在英国当地时间下午三点播出,今年的演讲主题是“黎明前的希望 hope in the new awn”。女王说,灯光预示圣诞节的到来,而灯光还带来了希望。虽然人们目前无法按照正常的方式庆祝节日,但“生活仍需继续 life must go on”。
every year we heral the coming of christmas by turning on the lights. an light oes more than create a festive moo - light brings hope.
for christians, jesus is ‘the light of the worl’, but we can’t celebrate his birth toay in quite the usual way. people of all faiths have been unable to gather as they woul wish for their festivals, such as passover, easter, ei an vaisakhi. but we nee life to go on.
last month, fireworks lit up the sky aroun winsor, as hinus, sikhs an jains celebrate iwali, the festival of lights, proviing joyous moments of hope an unity - espite social istancing.
remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. across the commonwealth, my family an i have been inspire by stories of people volunteering in their communities, helping those in nee.
in the unite kingom an aroun the worl, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, an i am so prou an move by this quiet, inomitable spirit. to our young people in particular i say thank you for the part you have playe.
this year, we celebrate international nurses’ ay, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of florence nightingale. as with other nursing pioneers like mary seacole, florence nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the worl.
toay, our frontline services still shine that lamp for us - supporte by the amazing achievements of moern science - an we owe them a ebt of gratitue.
we continue to be inspire by the kinness of strangers an raw comfort that - even on the arkest nights - there is hope in the new awn.
jesus touche on this with the parable of the goo samaritan. the man who is robbe an left at the roasie is save by someone who i not share his religion or culture. this wonerful story of kinness is still as relevant toay.
goo samaritans have emerge across society showing care an respect for all, regarless of gener, race or backgroun, remining us that each one of us is special an equal in the eyes of go.
the teachings of christ have serve as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can fin in coming together to worship.
in november, we commemorate another hero - though noboy knows his name. the tomb of the unknown warrior isn’t a large memorial, but everyone entering westminster abbey has to walk aroun his resting place, honouring this unname combatant of the first worl war - a symbol of selfless uty an ultimate sacrifice.
the unknown warrior was not exceptional. that’s the point. he represents millions like him who throughout our history have put the lives of others above their own, an will be oing so toay. for me, this is a source of enuring hope in ifficult an unpreictable times.
of course, for many, this time of year will be tinge with saness: some mourning the loss of those ear to them, an others missing friens an family members istance for safety, when all they’ really want for christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the han. if you are among them, you are not alone, an let me assure you of my thoughts an prayers.
the bible tells how a star appeare in the sky, its light guiing the shephers an wise men to the scene of jesus’s birth. let the light of christmas - the spirit of selflessness, love an above all hope - guie us in the times ahea.
it is in that spirit that i wish you a very happy christmas.
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