1.grauation from an acaemic or college preparation program at an accreite seconary school
2.four years of acaemic english ﹙composition/literature﹚. esl english courses are not acceptable to satisfy english requirements for amission.
四年的学术英语﹙写作/文学﹚。 esl英语课程不符合入学英语要求。
3.three years of mathematics
4.sat 1 or act + writing. in countries where the sat an act are unavailable, exemptions may be grante. ubc’s sat institution coe is 0965 an its act institution coe is 5259. the optional sat essay section is recommene, but not require.
sat 1或act +写作。 在无法使用sat和act的国家,可以给予豁免。 ubc的sat机构代码是0965,act机构代码是5259。 推荐可选的sat论文部分,但不是必需的。
5.a minimum grae of b- in an english course to at least the grae 11 level
1.senior year/grae 12 iploma in an accreite high school with a high grae point average an high scores in sat reasoning or reesigne sat ﹙incluing essay﹚ or act ﹙incluing writing test﹚ exams an two sat subject tests or ap or ib courses ﹙or a combination of these options covering two ifferent subjects﹚.
大四/ 12年级文凭认证的高中平均成绩高,分数高的sat推理或重新设计坐﹙包括论文﹚或行为﹙包括编写测试﹚考试和两个sat科目测试或ap或ib课程﹙或这些选项的组合包括两个不同的主题﹚。
2.prerequisite subjects, incluing english, shoul be presente at senior year/grae 12 level or as sat subject tests or ap/ib. pre-calculus can be use to meet the minimum requirement for some program areas that require mathematics for amission. however, calculus 12 or ap calculus or 1 semester of college or university calculus is require for most math, science, computer science an commerce programs. ap statistics oes not provie the appropriate preparation.
预科科目,包括英语,应在高三/十二年级,或sat科目考试或ap/ib。 微积分可用于满足某些需要数学才能入学的项目领域的最低要求。 然而,大多数数学、科学、计算机科学和商业课程都需要微积分12或ap微积分或大学一学期的微积分。 ap统计数据没有提供适当的准备。
successful applicants have presente scores of at least 600 ﹙reasoning﹚ an 640 ﹙reesigne﹚ in each sat component an at least 26 in the act with a score of at least 8 in writing. some programs require higher scores.
3.sat, ap an act scores shoul be sent to us electronical ly. the university of toronto’s sat an ap institution coe is 0982 an our act institution coe is 5366.
成功的申请者在sat考试的每个部分都给出了至少600分﹙推理﹚和640分﹙重新设计﹚的分数,在act考试中至少26分,写作分数至少为8分。 有些课程要求更高的分数。
sat、ap和act成绩应以电子方式发送给我们。 多伦多大学的sat和ap机构代码是0982,act机构代码是5366。
4.ocuments must be submitte electronically via parchment/naviance/ouac whenever possible. you may be given the opportunity to uploa your ocuments irectly if they cannot be sent electronically. however, uploae ocuments are not consiere official an we reserve the right to request official transcripts. o not mail ocuments to enrolment services unless specifically requeste. unsolicite ocuments will not be reviewe or ae to your application.
文件必须尽可能以电子方式通过ouac提交。 如果你的文件不能通过电子方式发送,你可以直接上传。 然而,上传的文件并不被视为官方文件,我们保留要求官方成绩单的权利。 除非特别要求,请勿将文件邮寄至报名服务中心。 未经请求的文件将不会被审查或添加到您的申请。
1.english amission requirement
2.quantitative skills requirement - minimum of a c- grae in senior level math
3.grauation from an accreite high school
4.sat i score of 1550 out of 2400 or act composite score of 22. effective fall 2017 the sat requirement will change to a score o f 1130 out of 1600.﹙sat institution sening coe: 0999; act institution sening coe: 5374﹚
sat综合成绩为1550分﹙总分2400分﹚,act综合成绩为22分。 从2017年秋季开始,sat的要求将改变为1600分中的1130分
5.minimum of three senior level acaemic subjects
1.to be consiere for amission to western university on the basis of the u.s. grauation iploma you must submit the following:
acaemic transcript incluing grauation status inicating all subjects taken an graes earne sent irectly to western from the institution attene. applicants may be consiere for conitional amission on the basis of mi-year/mi-term results. mi-year results an an acaemic recor to ate must be submitte irectly to western from the institution﹙s﹚ attene. amission will be consiere base on a minimum of 4.0 full senior acaemic courses.
成绩单包括所就读学校所有科目的毕业情况和直接寄往西方的成绩。 申请人可根据年中/中期成绩考虑有条件录取。 年中成绩和到目前为止的学习成绩必须由就读院校直接提交给西方学校。 入学将根据至少4.0的高级学术课程来考虑。
2.sat reasoning test results submitte irectly to western by the college boar. western’s institution number is 0984. a minimum sat combine evience base reaing an writing + math score of 1190 is require for amission consieration. or, act test results submitte irectly to western by act institutional services. western’s institution number is 4837. a minimum act composite score of 24 is require for amissions consieration
sat推理测试结果由美国大学理事会直接提交给西方。 西部大学的学号是0984。 入学考试至少需要1190分的sat综合阅读和写作成绩。 或者,act测试结果由act机构直接提交给西方。 西部大学的学号是4837。 最低act综合分数为24分,以供入学考虑
avance placement external exam results are eligible for avance 3.staning. results must be submitte irectly to western by the college boar. western institution number is 0984. further information on avance placement creits is also available.
大学预科外聘考试成绩符合高级资格。 成绩必须由大学委员会直接提交给西部大学。 西方院校编号0984。 此外,我们还可以获得有关进阶课程学分的进一步信息 。
refer to the content below for program specific require an recommene courses. course prerequisites shoul be presente at the avance placement ﹙ap﹚ or senior level:
具体课程要求和推荐课程请参考下面的内容。 课程先决条件应在进阶课程﹙ap﹚或高级水平:
1.unite states of america us grae 12 iploma plus sat an/or act examination scores
1.as a us applicant you must meet our general entrance amission requirements.
2.we also require strong acaemic staning with a final senior year minimum average of ‘b’ for consieration, an a minimum sat score of 1100 ﹙new sat; post march 2016﹚. applicants who took the sat before march 2016 are require to have a minimum score of 1650. alhousie’s sat coe is 0915. sat subject tests are not require for amission. you may present an act result in lieu of an sat result. alhousie requires a minimum act composite score of 23, with no iniviual score less than 20. alhousie’s act coe is 5373.
此外,我们还要求学生在大学最后一年的平均成绩必须达到“b”,并且sat成绩必须达到1100分﹙新sat; 2016年3月﹚。 在2016年3月之前参加sat考试的申请人的最低成绩要求为1650分。 alhousie的sat代码是0915。 入学不需要参加sat科目考试。 你可以用act成绩代替sat成绩。
for both the sat & act, alhousie will super score an applicant with multiple test ates, where the highest category score is taken irrespective of test ate.
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