Duration 1 - 2FT
Commencing Dates March, August
6.5 overall (min. 6.0 in each subtest)
Master of Translation & Interpreting
Duration: 2 years full-time (96 units of creit)
课程简介The Master of Translation an Interpreting is our flagship egree in interpreting an translation at UNSW. It provies a fully accreite NAATI qualification allowing grauates to work as professional translators an interpreters.
In 2015, the structure of the egree has been refine to offer a professional stream an a research stream, so that you can shape your postgrauate stuies to your professional an personal aspirations.
要求 Bachelor egree (or equivalent qualification) in any iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%) an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
Master of Interpeting
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (72 units of creit)
简介 This postgrauate egree is an innovation in interpreting eucation. It allows stuents to specialise exclusively in interpreting an is the first time that UNSW has offere this opportunity.
The Master of Interpreting reflects the growing international nee for specialists with avance knowlege an skills in interpreting practice.
要求 Stuents must meet one of the following selection criteria for entry to the Master of Interpreting:
• Bachelor egree (or equivalent qualification) in a relevant iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%) an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
• Bachelor egree (or equivalent qualification) in any iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%), plus one year relevant professional experience* an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
• Honours egree or Grauate Diploma (or equivalent qualification) in any iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%) an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
Master of Translation
Duration: 1 to 1.5 years full-time (48 or 78 units of creit)
简介The Master of Translation at UNSW is the leaing egree in the fiel, an one of only six translation courses in Australia. It is a NAATI accreite egree to the professional translator level an will train you for work as a translator across a number of specialise areas.
The egree is open to stuents with an without professional experience. Stuents who have prior experience will now unertake a streamline egree of 1 year (48 units of creit) while stuents with less or no professional experience will stuy for 1.5 years (72 units of creit).
要求 1 year plan
• Bachelor egree (or equivalent qualification) in any iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%), plus one year relevant professional experience* an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
• Honours egree or Grauate Diploma (or equivalent qualification) in a relevant iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%) an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
1.5 year plan
• Bachelor egree (or equivalent qualification) in a relevant iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%) an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
• Bachelor egree (or equivalent qualification) in any iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%), plus one year relevant professional experience* an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
• Honours egree or Grauate Diploma (or equivalent qualification) in any iscipline with a recor of acaemic achievement equivalent to a UNSW creit average (65%) an an avance level of bilingual proficiency.
Relevant isciplines
Relevant isciplines for all Translation an Interpreting programs inclue: Interpreting an Translation, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Meia, Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, Avertising, Marketing, Business, Economics, Commerce, Law, Linguistics, Languages, TESOL an Cognitive Science.
*one year full-time or part-time equivalent.
Master of Translation an Interpreting Stuies
1.5 years full-time
Entry requirements
• Australian level 7 bachelor’s qualification or recognise equivalent in a language or communication relate fiel incluing translation stuies, translating an interpreting, linguistics, speech an hearing sciences, speech-language pathology, language or literary stuies, comparative literature, creative writing, eucation, journalism, meia or communication stuies, law, or a relate iscipline
• GPA of 2.50 (out of 4.00)
• Proficiency in one of the available languages
All applicants for unergrauate or postgrauate coursework stuies at Macquarie University are require to provie evience of proficiency in English.
For more information see English Language Requirements.
You may satisfy the English language requirements if you have complete:
senior seconary stuies equivalent to the NSW HSC
one year of Australian or comparable tertiary stuy in a country of qualification
Work experience requirements
No work experience require, but it woul be an avantage.
The program is a NAATI (National Accreitation Authority for Translators an Interpreters) approve course for accreitation at professional translator an interpreter level.
Master of Translation an Interpreting Stuies with the egree of Master of Applie Linguistics an TESOL
3 years (full-time)
Entry requirements
• Australian level 7 bachelor’s qualification or recognise equivalent in a language or communication relate fiel incluing translation stuies, translating an interpreting, linguistics, speech an hearing sciences, speech-language pathology, language or literary stuies, comparative literature, creative writing, eucation, journalism, meia or communication stuies, law, or a relate iscipline
• Proficiency in one of the available languages
• GPA of 2.50 (out of 4.00)
All applicants for unergrauate or postgrauate coursework stuies at Macquarie University are require to provie evience of proficiency in English.
For more information see English Language Requirements.
You may satisfy the English language requirements if you have complete:
senior seconary stuies equivalent to the NSW HSC
one year of Australian or comparable tertiary stuy in a country of qualification
Work experience requirements
Work experience is not require however relevant experience may result in creit on the program.
The program is a NAATI (National Accreitation Authority for Translators an Interpreters) approve course for accreitation at professional translator an interpreter’s level.
Master of Translation an Interpreting Stuies with the egree of Master of International Relations
Minimum course uration 2.2.5 years full-time
• Australian level 7 bachelor’s qualification or recognise equivalent in a social science, language or communication relate fiel incluing translation stuies, translating an interpreting, linguistics, speech an hearing sciences, speech-language pathology, language or literary stuies, comparative literature, creative writing, eucation, journalism, meia or communication stuies, law, or a relate iscipline
• GPA of 2.50 (out of 4.00)
• Proficiency in one of the available languages
All applicants for unergrauate or postgrauate coursework stuies at Macquarie University are require to provie evience of proficiency in English.
For more information see English Language Requirements.
You may satisfy the English language requirements if you have complete:
senior seconary stuies equivalent to the NSW HSC
one year of Australian or comparable tertiary stuy in a country of qualification
The program is a NAATI (National Accreitation Authority for Translators an Interpreters) approve course for accreitation at professional translator an interpreter’s level.
二、 西悉尼大学
Master of Arts Translation an Interpreting Stuies
2 Years Full Time
This course provies both practical an theoretical training in interpreting an translation. It aims to equip stuents with knowlege of the theoretical aspects that unerpin interpreting an translation, incluing linguistics, an with the research techniques necessary to conuct a small research project in the area of interpreting an translation. It also focuses on practical interpreting an translation skills. The course is suitable for practising interpreters an translators an for very proficient bilinguals wanting to evelop or improve their skills, an who wish to contribute to the boy of knowlege on interpreting an translation by conucting innovative, much neee research.
Subject to eman, the following languages are available: Arabic, Japanese, Manarin, an Spanish.
Applicants must have successfully complete an unergrauate egree or postgrauate qualification in any iscipline AND
Have native or near-native proficiency in one of the following languages: Arabic, Japanese, Manarin, an Spanish.
Applications from Australian citizens an holers of permanent resient visas must be mae via the Universities Amissions Centre (UAC)
Applicants who have unertaken stuies overseas may have to provie proof of proficiency in English. Local an International applicants who are applying through the Universities Amissions Centre (UAC) will fin etails of minimum English proficiency requirements an acceptable proof on the UAC website. Local applicants applying irectly to UWS shoul also use the information provie on the UAC website.
Master of Interpreting an Translation
Fluent bilinguals who wish to obtain the theoretical backgroun an acquire the high level skills necessary to practise as a professional interpreter an/or translator will value this course.
Comprising eight units of stuy, the Master of Interpreting an Translation has a practical professional orientation, geare towars achieving the National Accreitation Authority for Translators an Interpreters Lt (NAATI) Professional Interpreter an/or Translator accreitations. Practical components are informe by the theories of Interpreting, Translation an relate isciplines an the results of current research.
Subject to eman, the languages available are Arabic, Japanese, Manarin or Spanish.
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