伦敦大学学院ucl——msc/ip international real estate an planning国际房地产和规划)属巴特莱特建筑学院的巴特莱特规划学院,不属商学院。
课程的设置非常完整和丰富,除了六门核心课程,不但涉及到热门的房地产投资real estate investment,房地产开发evelopment projects,还有实践课程planning practices in europe。另外还提供给学生八个选修课程,和想通过rtpi认证的学生可以选择的课程。
bpln0013 planning practices in europe
creits: 15
assessment: coursework
term 1
bpln0014 critical ebates in real estate an planning
creits: 15
assessment: coursework
term 1
bpln0010 real estate appraisal
creits: 15
assessment: coursework
term 1
bpln0015 comparative urban projects
creits: 15
assessment: coursework
term 2
bpln0011 real estate investment
creits: 15
assessment: exam
term 2
bpln0017 real estate evelopment
creits: 15
assessment: coursework
term 1
further etails of these moules can be foun on our page
bpln0039 issertation in planning
creits: 60
assessment: issertation
term 3 an summer
further etails of these moules can be foun on our page
stuents shoul chose 30 creits of elective moules ﹙normally two 15-creit moules, preferably one in term 1, the other in term 2﹚. the choice is open to relevant moules in any ucl postgrauate programme.
stuents seeking rtpi accreitation o not take elective moules, but instea have to take an pass two extra core courses:
bpln0055 planning practice
creits: 15
assessment: coursework
term 2
an a choice of one of the following two moules:
bpln0037 spatial planning: concepts an context
creits: 15
assessment: exam
term 1
bpln0038 comparative planning systems an cultures
creits: 15
assessment: exam
term 1
bpln0055 planning practice
an a choice of one of the following two moules:
bpln0037 spatial planning: concepts an context
bpln0038 comparative planning systems an cultures
msc international real estate an planning stuents will usually participate in a short fiel trip in term 2 of their first year
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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