加拿大大学今年在排名上相对稳定。多伦多大学仍然是加拿大排名最高的大学,领先麦吉尔大学5个身位,两校的排名差距进一步加大。今年加拿大共有3所大学挺进TOP 50,但在51-100的排名位置并没有加拿大大学的身影。
10. Queen’s University 女王大学
Queen’s University
Queen’s University, base in Kingston, Ontario, continues to rank 10th among the top universities in Canaa, although it roppe slightly globally to joint 239th place this year. One of the olest Canaian universities, its founing in 1841 preates the founing of Canaa itself (by 26 years).
9. University of Calgary 卡尔加里大学
University of Calgary
Ranke 229th in the worl in 2019, the University of Calgary is mae up of five campuses, incluing a branch campus in Doha, Qatar, which was opene in 2007 an focuses on nursing eucation.
8. Western University 西安大略大学
Western University
Western University is locate in Lonon, Ontario an is ranke joint 214th in the worl in 2019, achieving the best score in this top 10 for its percentage of international faculty members, ranking 62n in the worl.
7. University of Waterloo 滑铁卢大学
University of Waterloo
Ranke joint 163r in the worl in 2019, the University of Waterloo is in the top 100 globally for the citations per faculty member inicator. It was establishe in 1956, making it one of the younger top Canaian universities.
6. Université e Montréal 蒙特利尔大学
University of Montreal
Down from fifth to sixth among the top universities in Canaa, the Université e Montréal, establishe in 1878, is nonetheless the top-ranke Francophone institution in the country at joint 149th.
5. McMaster University 麦克马斯特大学
McMaster University
Ranke 146th in the worl in 2019 an the fifth highest-ranke university in Canaa, McMaster University is base in Hamilton, Ontario an is particularly well-regare for its meical school.
4. University of Alberta 阿尔伯塔大学
University of Alberta
Down slightly on last year but nonetheless Canaa’s fourth highest-ranke institution, the University of Alberta is ranke 109th an is mainly base in Emonton. It’s a huge economic river for the province of Alberta, contributing five percent of its annual gross omestic prouct (GDP).
3. University of British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚大学
University of British Columbia
Up four places this year to now rank within the global top 50 at 47th, the University of British Columbia is locate in Vancouver an Kelowna in British Columbia (the country’s westernmost province). It has grauate eight Nobel Prize winners an 71 Rhoes scholars.
2. McGill University 麦吉尔大学
McGill University
Ranke 33r in the worl this year, just five spots behin the University of Toronto, McGill University has the best score for its percentage of international stuents out of the top 10, with stuents coming from some 150 countries.
1. University of Toronto 多伦多大学
University of Toronto
The University of Toronto hols on its first-place position among the top universities in Canaa, climbing three places to rank 28th in the worl this year. It gets its best score for its acaemic reputation (18th in the worl) an is also in the top 50 for its reputation among grauate employers.
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