最近美国本科三大申请系统之一的common app(以下简称ca)公布了2021-2022主文书题目。与2020-2021主文书题目相比,此次更新了一个题目,这也是五年来ca第一次更改文书题目。对于这次更新文书题目,ca官方给出的理由是淘汰较少使用的文书题目。那么接下来就跟随古老师一起来看看2021-2022申请季ca主文书的变化吧!
题目四(新题目):reflect on something that someone has one for you that has mae you happy or thankful in a surprising way. how has this gratitue affecte or motivate you?(想想别人为你做的事情,这些事情以令人惊讶的方式令你高兴或感恩,这种感恩又是如何影响或激励你的?)
而去年的题目四则是:escribe a problem you've solve or a problem you' like to solve. it can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical ilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. explain its significance to you an what steps you took or coul be taken to ientify a solution.(描述一个你已经解决或者想要解决的问题,并且解释其重要性,以及你是如何做到的。)
除了第四个主文书题目发生变化外,剩余的 common文书题目均保持不变。其余的题目是:
题目1:some stuents have a backgroun, ientity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application woul be incomplete without it. if this souns like you, then please share your story.(有些学生相信自己的某些背景、身份、兴趣或天赋有着重要的意义,如果在申请材料中不提及这些,那么这份申请将会是不完整的。如果你也是这么认为的,那就请分享你的故事。)
题目2:the lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be funamental to later success. recount a time when you face a challenge, setback, or failure. how i it affect you, an what i you learn from the experience?(从挫折中得到的经验教训往往对我们未来的成功至关重要。回忆你面对挑战、挫折或者失败的一次经历。它是如何影响你的,以及你从中学到了什么?)
题目3:reflect on a time when you questione or challenge a belief or iea. what prompte your thinking? what was the outcome?(回顾一次你质疑或挑战某种观念的经历。是什么触发了你的思考呢?结果如何?)
题目5:iscuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparke a perio of personal growth an a new unerstaning of yourself or others.(讲述让你成长或者让你重新认识自己的或者他人的一个成就、事件、或者感悟。)
题目6:escribe a topic, iea, or concept you fin so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. why oes it captivate you? what or who o you turn to when you want to learn more?(描述一个让你流连其中,甚至忘记时间的话题、想法、理念。为什么它吸引你?你想多了解的时候,会寻求什么/谁的帮助?)
题目7:share an essay on any topic of your choice. it can be one you've alreay written, one that respons to a ifferent prompt, or one of your own esign.(开放性题目,题目自拟,可以是之前写好的文章,或者任何你自创的选题。)
以上就是美国本科申请系统common app公布的2022文书题目,更多关于美国留学的问题欢迎联系古老师进行咨询。
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