约翰霍普金斯大学(johns hopkins university,缩写jhu,别名“菊花大学”)成立于1876年1月22日,系根据美国著名慈善家约翰·霍普金斯的遗嘱使用其遗产建立。约翰霍普金斯大学是一所中等大小的非营利私立研究型大学,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,在华盛顿特区、中国南京、新加坡、意大利博洛尼亚都有分校区。约翰霍普金斯大学是美国第一所现代研究型大学,它的成功引发了美国大学向研究型大学转型的风潮,一批新的研究型大学也随之纷纷建立。学校以医学、公共卫生、空间科学、国际关系、文学及音乐等学科而闻名世界,也是哈勃空间望远镜和詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜的地面控制中心所在地。美国国家科学基金会连续31年将该校列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。截止至2012年,约翰霍普金斯大学共有36名校友获诺贝尔奖。
生物医学工程 ﹙biomeical engineering, bme﹚ 是综合生物学、医学和工程学的理论和方法而发展起来的新兴边缘学科,其主要研究方向是运用工程技术手段,研究和解决生物学和医学中的有关问题。多学科的交叉,使它不同于那些经典的学科,也有别于生物医学和纯粹的工程学科。现在的生物医学工程在疾病的预防、诊断、治疗、康复等方面起着巨大作用,世界各个主要国家均将它列入高技术领域,重点投资优先发展。
生物医学工程 ﹙biomeical engineering﹚ 是一门新兴深度交叉学科,它综合工程学、生物学和医学的理论和方法,在各层次上研究人体系统的状态变化,并运用工程技术手段去控制这类变化,其目的是解决医学中的有关问题,保障人类健康,为疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和康复服务。生物医学工程的研究以应用基础性研究为主,其领域十分广泛,并在不断扩展。现阶段它所涉及的研究领域主要有生物力学、生物材料、人工器官、生物系统的建模与控制、物理因子的生物效应、生物系统的质量与能量传递、生物医学信号的检测与传感器原理、生物医学信号处理方法、医学成像和图象处理方法、治疗与康复的工程方法等而微创伤手术、老年医学、家庭健康监护和远程医疗等正在成长为新的研究领域。
约翰霍普金斯大学生物医学工程(biomeical engineering)专业研究生招收ms与ph学生,要求申请者提供gre成绩,但并无最低分数要求,无需gre subject成绩。
ph项目要求申请者本科毕业,且本科期间修读过生物学、包括计量生物学、生理学、有机化学和微分方程前置课程,需递交gre或mcat考试成绩,此外,申请者还需参加受邀视频或电话面试。2012年,该项目收到约500份申请,仅录取70人。被录取的学生中,很重要的决定因素是实验室科研经历和曾发表的论文刊物,平均gpa3.73 ± 0.17,gre数学均分为91% ± 21,gre阅读均分为80%± 6,gre写作均分为58%±26。
生物信息学与计算生物学(bioinformatics an computational biology)
心血管系统(cariovascular systems)
细胞与组织工程(cell an tissue engineering)
计算建模(computational moeling)
医学成像(meical imaging)
分子与细胞系统(molecular an cell systems)
系统神经科学(systems neuroscience)
the master’s egree program prepares stuents to pursue a variety of careers in research, inustry, consulting, government, an more. many of our stuents also continue their eucation through ph or m/ph programs. stuents are provie theoretical instruction in the traitional engineering isciplines, given exposure to specialize biomeical engineering topics, an have the opportunity ﹙through the “thesis track” egree option﹚ to participate in supervise research projects. in aition to the thesis track, which typically takes two years to complete ﹙one year of coursework plus one year of research﹚, stuents have the option to complete the mse egree in one year through coursework specializing in one of seven focus areas.
biomeical ata science分支方向的详细介绍和课程设置
the past ecae has seen major avances in our ability to acquire ata on human health across multiple spatio-temporal scales. this wealth of ata poses challenges that have never before been confronte. at the heart of these is unerstaning how massive biomeical ata sets are best analyze to iscover new knowlege about the function of living systems in health an isease, an how this knowlege can be harnesse to provie improve, more afforable health care. because of their eep an broa cross-training in biology, meicine, an engineering, johns hopkins biomeical engineers are ieally positione to take on this challenge.
the biomeical ata science focus area provies an eucational curriculum that trains stuents in how to solve such problems. this training is one in close collaboration with faculty of the epartments of anesthesiology & critical care meicine, neurology, neurosurgery, an psychiatry. we are creating a common research an teaching space where stuents an faculty of these epartments work together with biomeical engineers to evelop novel clou-base technologies an ata analysis methos that are neee to improve our ability to iagnose an treat isease more effectively while reucing costs.
below, you will fin a suggeste list of courses to help you in your course planning. stuents are expecte to complete at least two of the core focus area courses. your acaemic interests etermine the remaining courses ﹙focus area electives﹚. you will meet with the faculty lea of your chosen focus area to etermine your course plan. the program aministrator will provie aitional avisement an course approval. please note that all liste courses are suggeste an may not always be offere. course offerings are subject to change from semester-to-semester.
require bs focus area courses
biomeical ata science focus area stuents are expecte to complete at least two of the following courses:
introuction to ata science for biomeical engineers ﹙en.580.664﹚
neuro ata esign i ﹙en.580.697﹚
neuro ata esign ii ﹙en.580.698﹚
precision care meicine ﹙en.580.680/681﹚
focus area electives
focus area electives ﹙choose at least 3﹚:
computational molecular meicine ﹙en.553.650﹚
ata mining ﹙en.553.636﹚
founations of computational biology an bioinformatics ii ﹙en.580.688﹚
high imensional approximation, probability, an statistical learning ﹙en.553.738﹚
introuction to probability ﹙en.553.620﹚
introuction to statistics ﹙en.553.630﹚
machine learning ﹙en.601.675﹚
machine learning: ata to moels ﹙en.601.676﹚
machine learning: eep learning ﹙en.601.682﹚
mathematical founations of biomeical engineering i ﹙en.580.704﹚
neuroata esign i ﹙en.580.697﹚
neuroata esign ii ﹙en.580.698﹚
precision care meicine ﹙en.580.680/681﹚
sparse representations in computer vision an machine learning ﹙en.580.709﹚
statistical machine learning ﹙en.601.775﹚
statistical theory ﹙en.553.730﹚
unsupervise learning: from big ata to low imensional representations ﹙en.600.692﹚
aitional electives
stuents will select aitional grauate level science, technology, engineering, or math courses with the consent of their avisor to complete the total of 30 creits require for grauation.
imaging & meical evices分支方向的详细介绍和课程设置
imaging & meical evices involves the measurement of spatial an temporal istributions an signals over scales ranging from molecules an cells to organs an whole populations. combining mathematics, physics, an biological systems with engineering of new evices an computational algorithms, our acaemic an research programs in imaging & meical evices center on new technologies an ata-intensive analysis.
our curriculum in imaging & meical evices spans mathematical funamentals, physics of imaging technologies, evice esign an evelopment base on clinical nees, an computational techniques for image processing an analysis. in aition to learning about real clinical systems an ata stuents learn ata analysis, moeling, an computer simulation methos. hans-on experiences in the classroom, research lab, an clinical settings tie eucation to practical real-worl scenarios.
below, you will fin a suggeste list of courses to help you in your course planning. stuents are expecte to complete at least two of the core focus area courses. your acaemic interests etermine the remaining courses ﹙focus area electives﹚. you will meet with the faculty lea of your chosen focus area to etermine your course plan. the program aministrator will provie aitional avisement an course approval. please note that all liste courses are suggeste an may not always be offere. course offerings are subject to change from semester-to-semester.
require i&m focus area courses
i&m focus area stuents are expecte to complete at least two of the following “core” courses:
imaging instrumentation ﹙en.580.693﹚
meical imaging systems ﹙en.520.632﹚
principles of the esign of biomeical instrumentation ﹙en.580.771﹚
surgery for engineers ﹙en.580.740﹚
x-ray imaging an compute tomography ﹙en.580.679﹚
i&m focus area electives
i&m stuents will complete aitional electives selecte from the following list ﹙choose at least three of these courses﹚:
applie bioelectrical engineering i ﹙en.580.635﹚
applie bioelectrical engineering ii ﹙en.580.636﹚
biomeical photonics i ﹙en.580.678﹚
biomeical photonics ii ﹙en.580.788﹚
computer integrate surgery i ﹙en.601.655﹚
computer integrate surgery ii ﹙en.600.646﹚
introuction to neuro-image processing ﹙en.580.674﹚
introuction to rehabilitation engineering ﹙en.580.656﹚
introuction to rehabilitation engineering: esign lab ﹙en.580.457﹚
machine learning for signal processing ﹙en.520.612﹚
meical image analysis ﹙en.520.623﹚
neural implants an interfaces ﹙en.580.742﹚
robot evices, kinematics, ynamics, an control ﹙en.530.646﹚
surgineering: systems engineering an ata science in interventional meicine ﹙en.580.750﹚
ultrasoun an photoacoustic beamforming ﹙en.520.631﹚
aitional electives
stuents will select aitional grauate level science, technology, engineering, or math courses with the consent of their avisor to complete the total of 30 creits require for grauation.
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