migration ﹙class of persons for visitor ﹙class fa﹚ visa nil vac﹚ instrument ﹙lin 21/021﹚ 2021
i, joie bjerregaar, elegate of the minister for immigration, citizenship, migrant services an multicultural affairs, make this instrument uner subparagraph 1236﹙2﹚﹙a﹚﹙iv﹚ of scheule 1 to the migration regulations 1994 ﹙the regulations﹚.
ate 24 february 2021
for subparagraph 1236﹙2﹚﹙a﹚﹙iv﹚ of scheule 1 of the regulations, an applicant for a subclass 600 ﹙visitor﹚ visa is specifie if:
﹙a﹚ the applicant is outsie australia at the time of application; an
﹙b﹚ the application is mae between 27 february 2021 an 31 ecember 2022; an
﹙c﹚ the applicant was grante a subclass 600 ﹙visitor﹚ visa, other than in the frequent traveller stream, while outsie australia before 21 march 2020; an
﹙﹚ that visa expire, or will expire between 20 march 2020 an 31 ecember 2021; an
﹙e﹚ that visa was:
﹙i﹚ a multiple entry visa; or
﹙ii﹚ a single entry visa that was not use to enter australia; an
﹙f﹚ if the applicant has mae a previous application after the commencement of this instrument—a ecision has not been mae to grant or refuse to grant the visa.
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