master of lanscape architecture
1. harvar university 哈佛大学
2. louisiana state university 路易斯安娜州立大学
3. university of georgia 乔治亚大学
4. cornell university康乃尔大学
5. ball state university
6. kansas state university 堪萨斯州立大学
7. texas a&m university 德克萨斯农工
8. university of illinois at urbana- champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校
8. university of michigan 密歇根大学
10. university of pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学
10. virginia tech 弗吉尼亚理工
12. ohio state university 俄亥俄州里
12. university of massachusetts 麻省大学
14. north carolina state university 北卡罗来纳州立大学
14. university of california at berkeley 加州伯克利大学
14. university of virginia 弗吉尼亚大学
17. rhoe islan school of esign
18. california polytechnic state university, pomona
18. suny college of environ. science an forestry
18. university of colorao at enver 科罗拉多大学丹佛校区
18. university of minnesota 明尼苏达大学
18. utah state university 犹他大学
介绍:犹他大学﹙the university of utah﹚,简称u of u,是美国犹他州高等教育的旗舰型学校,也是一所享誉世界的公立研究型大学。学校始建于1850年,坐落在盐湖城的的沃萨奇岭山脉脚下。作为美国西部最著名且最古老的公立大学之一,犹他大学被卡耐基教育基金会归为特高研究型大学﹙top-tier research university﹚,在美国所有的约3632所被美国教育部认证的大学中,只有107所大学获此殊荣 。
· 申请流程:
grauate applicants access the online application irectly through their epartment’s website.网站在线申请
·- the non-refunable grauate application fee for applicants is $55. applications submitte after the application ealine will incur an aitional $30 late fee, even if an acaemic epartment has a later ealine. applications are not complete until the application fee has been pai. please o not sen cash.-研究生申请费55美元,不退还。在申请截止日期之后提交的申请,即使是学术部门有延迟的截止日期,也要额外支付30美元的滞纳金。在支付申请费后,申请才算完成。请不要寄现金。
·- some acaemic programs cover the cost ﹙or the partial cost﹚ of the application fee for their applicants. please check the epartment’s website to etermine the exact application fee. mcnair scholars are eligible to have their application fee waive, but they must uploa proof of status to the online grauate application.一些学术项目为申请人支付申请费﹙或部分费用﹚。具体的申请费请查看部门网站。mcnair学者有资格获得申请费用减免,但他们必须上传身份证明到在线研究生申请。
·uploa all require ocuments上传所需的文件
- applicants must uploa a copy of all post-seconary transcripts to their application. these transcripts will be use as working copies uring the amissions evaluation process. failure to list all schools previously attene or making false or misleaing statements on the application may result in cancellation of amission status an/or loss of creit.-申请人必须上传所有中学以上成绩的副本到他们的申请的学院。这些成绩单将在入学评估过程中用作工作副本。未能列出所有以前就读过的学校,或在申请中作出虚假或误导性的陈述,可能会导致取消入学资格和/或失去学分。
transcripts for all post-seconary schools attene.成绩单
1. letters of recommenation推荐信
2. statement of purpose目的陈述
3. resume/cv 个人简历
4. test scores, such as the gre or gmat.gre或者gmat的分数
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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