state university of newyork 纽约时装设计学院
纽约时装技术学院﹙fashion institute of technology,state university of new york﹚是国际著名的服装与艺术设计院校,成立于1944年,位于美国纽约市曼哈顿区。开设专业涉及如时装设计、广告设计、电脑动画及互动媒体、织物设计、室内设计、时装摄影、时尚产品管理等。
创始人莫蒂默﹙mortimer c ritter﹚希望学院成为"一座像mit麻省理工学院一样的设计学院"。因此经过不懈的努力,fit已经成为具有丰富的成功的历史,在纽约城市经济的冲击下仍然持久屹立的著名学府。
专业名称: fashion business management bs时尚商业管理(bs本科学位)
applications accepte for fall an spring. 春季秋季开学
the major in fashion business management provies stuents with the knowlege an skills necessary for assuming positions in the merchanising inustry in areas such as buying, sales, prouct evelopment, creative fashion presentation, retail management, an marketing. 时装商业管理专业为学生提供在采购销售、产品开发、时装创意展示、零售管理及市场营销等领域工作所必需的知识和技能
要求:· portfolio requirement ﹙fashion esign only﹚: portfolios shoul inclue both fashion artwork an actual garments from fashion art an apparel classes. further instructions will be specifie once the online application is submitte.
1. business funamentals: stuents will be able to ientify an apply current business methoology an iscuss current situations an opportunities connecte to the fashion business.1.商业基础:学生将能够识别和应用当前的商业方法,并讨论当前与时尚行业相关的情况和机会。
2. communication: stuents will be able to compare how business ecisions are establishe by using coherent written, verbal, an presentation skills.
3. globalism: stuents will be able to ientify an evaluate the current global issues in how they will affect the fashion business. 全球主义:学生将能够识别和评估当前的全球问题将如何影响时尚行业。
4. technology: stuents will be able to illustrate an istinguish their technology proficiency by beginning to aapt to the various technologies in the courses of the fashion business.4技术:学生将能够通过开始适应时尚商业课程中的各种技术来说明和区分他们的技术熟练程度。
5. research an critical thinking: stuents will be able to explain an conuct research of primary an seconary ata to make business ecisions. 研究和批判性思维:学生将能够解释和进行主要和次要数据的研究,以做出商业决策。
6. prouct commercialization: stuents will be able to begin to evaluate the functions of prouct evelopment, the merchanising of a line an how it works within the prouct life cycle.产品商业化:学生将能够开始评估产品开发的功能,产品线的销售以及它在产品生命周期中的工作原理。
7. retailing/ wholesaling: stuents will be able to ientify an compare the ifferences between retail an wholesale in the fashion business. 零售/批发:学生将能够识别和比较零售和批发在时尚行业的区别。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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