伦敦大学学院 ﹙university college lonon﹚,简称ucl,建校于1826年,是英国伦敦一所综合研究型大学,是一所世界都为之瞩目的高等学府,世界前10强名校。它与剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院齐头并驭,国内俗称g5精英大学,是英国最好的前五所大学之一。
bartlett school of architecture巴特莱特建筑学院则是ucl最久负盛名的学院之一,也是世界公认的最顶尖和最具影响力的建筑学院之一。
architecture march ﹙arb/riba part 2﹚ full-time over a perio of two acaemic years.
architectural esign march full-time: one year, taught over 12 months
lanscape architecture ma/mla mla full-time, two years,ma full-time, one year
urban esign march full-time: one year, taught over 12 months
根据18/19申请统计,architecture march 总申请人数有835人,拿到offer的学生135人,实际入读人数109人次;architectural esign march总申请人数有629人,拿到offer的学生313人,实际入读人数118人;lanscape architecture mla总申请人数60人,拿到offer的学生21人,实际入读16人;march urban esign总申请人数534人,拿到offer的学生226人,实际入读人数85人;ma lanscape architecture总申请人数69,实际拿到offer的学生24人,入读学生11人。
巴院申请量最多的专业:msc project an enterprise management
作为巴院申请量最多的专业,每年的申请量到底有多少呢?根据18/19申请统计,申请人数达到1855人,共计发放offer 166人,实际入读人数117人。而且每年申请人数都是保持着不断递增的趋势。申请费也由最初的£75涨到了£150。
course highlights
· gain an avance unerstaning of the management of projects an enterprises from supply chain management to business strategy an behavioural economics
· accreite by the royal institution of chartere surveyors ﹙rics﹚ our stuents benefit from a free stuent rics membership which provies avantages such as access to research papers an links to international groups.
· prepare for a variety of senior roles across various sectors, ranging from a career in construction or engineering project management to consultancy or central government.
入学要求:the normal minimum qualifications are a lower secon-class bachelor's egree from a uk university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent stanar.
巴院申请要求比较低的专业:msc igital innovation in built asset management
作为巴院17年新开设的专业,msc igital innovation in built asset management专业的录取要求:a minimum of a secon-class bachelor's egree from a uk university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent stanar.
personal statement: as part of your application you shoul inclue a personal statement. please use the statement to tell us: what o you consier to be one of your key strengths that is relevant to the msc in igital innovation in built asset environment ﹙up to 300 wors﹚? tells us about an experience that helpe you evelop this strength in the past an why an how the msc in igital innovation in built asset management will help you evelop it in the future ﹙up to 300 wors﹚?
construction economics an management msc
infrastructure investment an finance msc
strategic management of projects msc
根据18/19的招生情况统计,construction economics an management msc专业一共有673人递交申请,实际拿到offer人数181人,实际入读102人;infrastructure investment an finance msc专业一共有226人递交申请,实际拿到offer人数33人,确认入读15人;strategic management of projects msc专业共有197人递交申请,拿到offer人数32人,确认入读20人。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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