国立马来西亚苏丹依德利斯师范大学upsi ﹙简称马来西亚师范大学, 师大﹚ 前身是霹雳州苏丹依德利斯马来西亚教师培训学院,成立于1922年5月1日,位于霹雳州perak丹戎马林市﹙tanjung malim﹚,是马来西亚全国唯一一所政府师范类大学,在校学生已达29000名,其中硕士生900余人,博士生70余人,教职员工1000多名,为马来西亚培养了大量教师人才。
霹雳州是马来西亚第二大州,距离首都吉隆坡100公里,首府是怡保ipoh,人口200多万,有马来西亚“锡都“之称,霹雳州白天时阳光普照,夜晚全年凉快,傍晚偶尔下雨。州内气温纪录最低摄氏23度,最高摄氏33度。全年雨量为3,218毫米。马来西亚著名汽车生产商普腾在丹戎马林设立了汽车工业城﹙proton city﹚,成为了全马汽车产量最高的工厂。
师大的学士学位﹙国内习惯称为本科﹚课程通常是4年学制(8个学期, 每年7月和12月专业开学),学生最多可以延长至6年完成;硕士学位学制2年,博士学位学制4年。 回国可做学历认证
octor of philosophy 博士
master of eucation 教育硕士
specialization | moe of stuy |
master of music 音乐硕士
master of arts 艺术硕士
master of performance stuies 表演学硕士
specialization | moe of stuy |
本科绩点2.75 +雅思6.0分
a bachelor’s egree with honours an cgpa of at least 2.75(绩点) or a cgpa that can be consiere by the faculty, from sultan iris eucation university or an equivalent egree from any higher eucational institution; or
other qualifications recognise by the senate, obtaine through accreitation of prior experiential learning ﹙apel﹚ subject to the fiels liste; or
other qualifications recognise by the senate;an
fulfilment of specific entry requirements impose by the faculty concerne.
international caniates are require to score 550 for toefl or ban 6.0 for ielts except for caniates taking malay as the fiel of stuy or a fiel of stuy that uses malay language as the meium of instruction. (托福550/雅思6.0)
caniates from cognate countries who are submitting research proposals in english must provie proof of the prescribe ielts or toefl qualification when submitting their application for amission to upsi. [136th senate no. 11/2015]
if uring the uration of stuy, the thesis is written in english, the caniates from cognate countries must submit an application to the institute of grauate stuies through the faculty before it is brought to the senate meeting for approval. [136th senate no. 11/2015]
structure of the programme:
– research
– course work an issertation
– course work an project work
english proficiency requirement for international caniate
international caniates are require to meet one ﹙1﹚ of the following english proficiency requirements: 托福550 或者 雅思6分
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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