pennsylvania state university physics 宾州州立帕克
grauate instruction an research opportunities are available in atomic an molecular physics, laser physics, experimental an theoretical conense matter an materials physics, surface physics, low-temperature physics, statistical physics, acoustics, nuclear physics, experimental an theoretical particle physics, quantum fiel theory, general relativity, cosmology an relativistic astrophysics an quantum gravity. work in some areas is conucte in cooperation with the materials research institute, the applie research laboratory, an other interisciplinary research facilities.
7a. general physics ﹙4﹚(普通物理)
lecture—1.5 hours; iscussion/laboratory—5 hours. prerequisite: completion or concurrent enrollment in mathematics 16b, 17b, or 21b. introuction to general principles an analytical methos use in physics for stuents majoring in a biological science. only two units of creit allowe to stuents who have complete course 1b or 9b. ge creit: scieng | se. - i-ii-iii. ﹙i-ii-iii.﹚
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9a. classical physics ﹙5﹚(经典物理)
lecture—3 hours; laboratory—2.5 hours; iscussion—1 hour. prerequisite: mathematics 21b. introuction to general principles an analytical methos use in physics for physical science an engineering majors. classical mechanics. only 2 units of creit to stuents who have complete course 1a or 7b. not open for creit to stuents who have complete course 9ha. ge creit: scieng | se. - iii. ﹙iii.﹚
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9. moern physics ﹙4﹚(现代物理学)
lecture - 3 hours; iscussion - 1.5 hours. prerequisite: course 9c [or 9h] an mathematics 22a; mathematics 22b recommene ﹙may be taken concurrently﹚. introuction to physics concepts evelope since 1900. special relativity, quantum mechanics, atoms, molecules, conense matter, nuclear an particle physics. not open for creit to stuents who have complete course 9hb, 9hc, or 9he. ge creit: scieng | se.- iii. ﹙iii.﹚
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9ha. honors physics ﹙5﹚(荣誉物理)
lecture - 3 hours; iscussion/laboratory - 4 hours. prerequisite: mathematics 21b ﹙may be taken concurrently﹚ or consent of instructor. classical mechanics. same material as course 9a in greater epth. for stuents in physical sciences, mathematics, an engineering. only 2 units of creit to stuents who have complete course 7b. not open for creit to stuents who have complete course 9a. ge creit: scieng | se. - i. ﹙i.﹚
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10c. physics of california ﹙3﹚加州物理学
lecture—3 hours. atmospheric phenomena common in ca, local weather patterns an microclimes. applications to ca energy, water, an resource management policies. physics unerlying regional sports in ca. not open for creit to stuents who have complete any quarter of physics 9 or 9h, or any upper ivision physics course. ge creit: scieng | se, vl, sl. —f. ﹙f.﹚ braac
12. visualization in science ﹙3﹚科学可视化
lecture—3 hours. class size limite to 20-50 stuents. prouction, interpretation, an use of images in physics, astronomy, biology, an chemistry as scientificevience an for communication of researchresults. ge creit: scieng | se, vl.—ii. ﹙ii.﹚
georgian institute of techology 佐治亚理工学院 fall
jan. 1(请以当年申请官网为准)
*quantitative biosciences: ec. 1
institute coe: 5248
epartment coe: 76
minimum score require:
paper-base: 625
internet-base: 106, with minimum section scores of 19
quantitative: 155
physics test: require for international stuents; not for u.s.
minimum physics gre is 640
it is often assume that a ph.. in physics is only useful if the recipient is going to become a professor someay. however, only ~15% of ph.. recipients will en up in tenure-track faculty positions! what this means is that the vast majority of physics ph.. holers work in other fiels, supporte by the consistently lower-than-average unemployment rates for science an engineering ph..s. inee, a ph.. in physics is excellent training for a wie variety of careers in eucation an research, incluing in acaemia, government, inustry, an finance. some of the most important skills learne uring a ph.. in physics can be translate to almost any career, such as solving challenging problems, mathematical moeling an analysis, an oral an written presentation.
broaly speaking, physics ph..s can be foun in acaemia ﹙50%﹚, government ﹙14%﹚, or inustry ﹙30%﹚. recent georgia tech physics ph..s ﹙since 2010, a total of 110 stuents﹚ echo these numbers, as seen in the chart below. these grauates have gone on to faculty positions at john hopkins, michigan state, an others; companies such as intel, google, an texas instruments; an us national labs. non-stem jobs inclue fiels such as consulting an ata analysis.
广义而言,物理学博士在学术界﹙50%﹚、政府﹙14%﹚或工业界﹙30%﹚都有。佐治亚理工学院﹙georgia tech﹚最近的物理学博士﹙自2010年以来,总共有110名学生﹚也认同这些数字,如下图所示。这些毕业生进入了约翰霍普金斯大学、密歇根州立大学和其他大学的教职;英特尔、谷歌和德州仪器等公司;还有美国国家实验室。非stem工作包括咨询和数据分析等领域。
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