平面设计专业本科专业有三种学位: Bachelor of fine arts ( BAF )、 Bachelor of Arts 、 Bachelor of Science 。 BAF 学位要求要有 65% 的设计课程,因此职业性导向是最高的。相比之下, BA 和 BS 会有更多的文科课程,设计课程比例要少一些。
我们以罗德岛设计大学为例,来详细了解一下平面设计专业 。
The unergrauate program in Graphic Design allows stuents to fully absorb an informe esign process that provies lifelong support as they go on to engage in real-worl esign opportunities. Stuents gain a thorough unerstaning of the principles of esign, theories of communication an strategies for problem solving.
The program eucates stuents to become resourceful esigners engage in reflexive, responsible an sustainable practices. Grauates are prepare to:
• evaluate an critique the effectiveness of visual communication work
• respon to a communication nee by etermining an appropriate perspective an following through by form-making using various means: eiting, aesthetics an/or appropriation
• evelop an refine personal methos that culminate in a cohesive boy of work targeting professional practice, an inepenent stuio practice an/or entrepreneurship
• work with contemporary an historical tools an software
Art History 艺术史 ²
Graphic Design History 平面设计史 ²
Avance Typography 高级印刷排版 ²
Graphic Design Project 平面设计项目 ²
Avance Web Design 高级网页设计 ²
Drawing 素描 ²
Graphic Design Methoology 平面设计方法论 ²
Print Materials an Methos 印刷材料与方法
Motion Graphics 动态图像 ²
Avertising Design 广告设计
1 , 罗德岛设计大学 Rhoe Islan School of Design
2 , 卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University
位于匹兹堡,综合大学 23 位。
3 ,俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University-Columbus
位于俄亥俄首府哥伦布,综合类大学 52 位。
4 ,耶鲁大学 Yale University New Haven
5 ,加州艺术学院 School of the Art Institute of Chicago
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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