专业:avance computer science(高级计算机科学)
入学要求:a first or upper secon class honours egree, or the overseas equivalent, in computer science, or a joint egree with at least 50% computer science content.一等或2等1学位,211&985类院校均分80%以上。
雅思: 7.0 with no sub-test below 6.0
career opportunities:
he msc in avance computer science has an excellent recor of employment for its grauates. opportunities exist in fiels as iverse as finance, films an games, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, consumer proucts, an public services - virtually all areas of business an society. our courses are consiere among the best in the country an our grauates are actively targete for the very top jobs in inustry an acaemia. the msc is also a route to further stuy at research level, or to careers in inustrial or acaemic research.
南安普顿大学 世界排名第 86 英国排名第20
1.computer science(计算机科学)
we require a minimum 2:1 egree overall ﹙or equivalent﹚ in a relate iscipline an 2:1 in the require moules. you shoul have a goo unerstaning of at least one object-oriente moern programming language ﹙java, c++, c#, etc﹚. overall goo base of computing moules, ieal are software architecture or esign, an a sprea of computer science moules such as networks an atabase, ai or web moules an maths. we o take into account work experience, in place of taught programming. .一等或2等1学位,211&985类院校相关专业均分75%以上。
语言要求:ielts grae of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.
2.software engineering(软件工程)
入学要求:we require a minimum 2:1 egree overall ﹙or equivalent﹚ in a relate iscipline an 2:1 in the require moules. programming languages ﹙java, c++, c#, object oriente﹚, atabase, network systems, software architecture or software esign, graphics..
语言要求:ielts grae of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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