澳大利亚昆士兰tafe发来通知。自2018年9月1 日开始,对于2019年
Diploma of Early Chilhoo Eucation an Care 由 $18,000 下降至 $15,000
Diploma of Community Services 由 $18,000下降至$15,000
Diploma of Business / Diploma of Leaership an Management 由 $15,000 下降至 $14,000
Cert III in Business Aministration an Certificate III in Business 都由 $6,000 下降至 $5,000
Certificate III in Rural Operations 由 $12,000 下降至 $10,000
Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter) 将增长 $10,000
Diploma of Software Development an Diploma of Information Technology Networking 都将增长 $2,000
Diploma of Nursing 将增长 $2,000
Diploma of Engineering – Technical 将增长 $2,000
Diploma of Website Development 将增长 $1,000
Avance Diploma of Electronics an Communications Engineering 将增长 $1,000
Diploma of Photography an Photo Imaging 将增长 $1,000
Diploma of Graphic Design 将增长 $1,000
施, 所有现有的offer不受影响
From 1 September 2018, most TAFE Queenslan programs will see a price increase for stuents enrolling in programs for next year. In line with the Australian Consumer Price Inex (CPI), prices will increase on average by aroun 3 per cent.
However there are a select number of programs that will see a price ecrease by as much as $3,000 – highlighte below.
Major price reuctions
Diploma of Early Chilhoo Eucation an Care will be reuce from $18,000 to $15,000
Diploma of Community Services will be reuce from $18,000 to $15,000
Diploma of Business / Diploma of Leaership an Management will be reuce from $15,000 to $14,000
Cert III in Business Aministration an Certificate III in Business will both be reuce from $6,000 to $5,000
Certificate III in Rural Operations will be reuce from $12,000 to $10,000
Major price increases (you may want to use as an incentive to get your clients to apply now – they will save $$$)
Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter) will increase by $10,000
Diploma of Software Development an Diploma of Information Technology Networking will both increase by $2,000
Diploma of Nursing will increase by $2,000
Diploma of Engineering – Technical will increase by $2,000
Diploma of Website Development will increase by $1,000
Avance Diploma of Electronics an Communications Engineering will increase by $1,000
Diploma of Photography an Photo Imaging will increase by $1,000
Diploma of Graphic Design will increase by $1,000
All other programs will see a moest increase of approximately 3%.
What you nee to know
All current Offers will not be affecte.
Continue to submit applications via Stuy Link as per normal.
Offers issue on or before 31 August 2018 will quote the current 2018 price.
Offers issue from 1 September 2018 on applications receive after 31 August 2018 will attract the new 2019 price.
The current 2018 Price List on the TAFE Queenslan International website will remain in place until COB 31 August 2018.
Use the next few weeks to motivate your clients to apply now to save $100 if not $1,000’s of ollars.
Managers, please isseminate these changes to your branch staff an counsellors.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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