i hate the letter "s." of the 164,777 wors with "s," i only grapple with one. to conemn an entire letter because of its use 0.0006 percent of the time souns statistically absur, but that one case change 100 percent of my life. i use to have two parents, but now i have one, an the "s" in "parents" isn't going anywhere.
"s" follows me. i can't get through a ay without being remine that while my friens went out to inner with their parents, i ate with my parent. as i write this essay, there is a blue line uner the wor "parent" telling me to check my grammar; even grammarly assumes that i shoul have parents, but cancer oesn't listen to eit suggestions. i won't claim that my situation is as unique as one in 164,777, but it is still an exception to the rule — an outlier. the worl isn't meant for this special case.
the worl wouln't abanon "s" because of me, so i trie to abanon "s." i coul get away from "s" if i staye busy: you can't have inner with your "parent" ﹙thanks again grammarly﹚ if you are too busy to have family inner. any spare time that i ha, i fille. i became known as the "busy ki," the one that everyone always asks "how o you have time?" morning meetings, classes, afternoon meetings, volleyball practice, ance class, rehearsal in boston, homework, sleep, repeat.
though my specific scheule has change over time, the business has not. i couln't fill the loss that the "s" left in my life, but i coul at least make sure i in't have to think about it. there were so many things in my life. i couln't control, so i controlle what i coul. my scheule. i never succumbe to the stress of overcommitting. i thrive.
it became a challenge to juggle it all, but i' soon fin a rhythm. but rhythm, wasn't what i wante. rhythm may not have an "s," but "s" sure like to come by when i was ile. so, i ae another ball, an another, an another. soon i notice the same "color" balls kept falling into my hans – theatre, acaemics, politics. i wante to come into contact with these more an more, so i further narrowe the scope of my color wheel an increase the range of shaes of my primary colors.
life became easier to juggle, but, for the first time, i in't a another ball. i foun my rhythm an i embrace it. i stoppe running away from a single "s" an began chasing a ouble "s"— passion. passion has given me purpose. i was shackle to “s” as i trie to escape the confines of the traitional familial structure. no matter how far i ran, "s" staye behin me because i kept looking back. i've finally learnt to move forwar instea of away, an it's liberating.
"s" got me moving, but it hasn't kept me going. i wish i coul en here, triumphant an basking in my new inspiration, but life is more convolute. motivation is ouble ege swor: it keeps me moving forwar, but it also keeps me from having to look back. i want to claim that i showe courage in being able to turn from "s," but i can't.
motivation is what keeps "s" at bay. i am not perfectly heale, but i am perfect at navigating the best way to heal me. i on't seek out saness. so "s" must stay on the sielines, an until i am completely reay, motivation is more than enough for me.
- abigail mack,brockton high school, ma
12岁的阿比盖尔失去了“ s”,在她的世界里parents变成了parent,她的母亲朱莉·安妮(julie-ann)十几岁时就与癌症作斗争,但成年后这种疾病又复发了几次,并于2014年去世。
阿比盖尔和她的英语老师一起努力重新编写了初稿。她说:“我只记得面对着一个空白文档,毫无头绪,但是突然之间,我想到了parents和parent之间的区别。” “然后我说‘我讨厌字母s’, 之后就有了这篇文章。”
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