research masters’ egrees 研究型硕士学位
the master by research is supervise by a grauate faculty ﹙or a panel of grauate faculty members﹚. the irecte research work introuces caniates to the processes by which new knowlege is evelope an applie accoringly.
研究型硕士由研究生院(或研究生院成员小组)指导。定向研究工作旨在为学生介绍相应新知 识研究和应用的过程。
mixe moe masters’ egrees 混合型硕士学位
stuent must complete a minimum of 21 creits of courses an an equivalent of 21-creit research component, an must obtain a final acaemic grae of at least 3.0 cgpa.
学生必须完成至少 21 个学分的课程和同等于 21 个学分的研究部分,且最终学术成绩的 cgpa 至少为 3.0.
coursework masters’ egrees 授课型硕士学位
stuent must complete a minimum of 40 creits, an must obtain a final acaemic grae of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 cgpa. minimum 40-creit consists of several subject moules incluing faculty compulsory, faculty electives, a university elective moule an a master’s project.
学生必须修满至少 40 个学分,且最终学术成绩的 cgpa 至少为 3.0,满分为 4.0。40 学分包括 学院必修课程、选修课程,大学选修课程和硕士学位课程这几个模块。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
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