维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)创建于1963年,是加拿大顶尖综合类研究大学之一,也是加拿大规模最大的综合性大学之一,常年位居综合类排名前2名,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的省会维多利亚市。学校师资力量雄厚,教学经验丰富。维多利亚大学在内城和西部共有15个校园,附属的有温哥华音乐学院和通讯法研究中心。对于海外学生来讲,维多利亚大学被认为是加拿大高等教育、专业培训和语言强化课程等方面最富有革新精神的大学之一。此外学校的商科、经济学、艺术、工程等专业在全北美地区享有极高的声誉。
维多利亚大学的前身麦吉尔大学维多利亚学院于1903年建成,为不列颠哥伦比亚省历史第一悠久的学院,当时作为中学后教育,为加拿大BC省地区学生提供麦吉尔大学第一年和第二年的人文和科学课程。1963年,维多利亚学院取得大学地位,更名为维多利亚大学。维大的代表颜色为红、金和蓝,吉祥物为维京人。维多利亚大学的校训分别是:“Let there be light(打破黑暗)” 和 “A multitue of the wise is the health of the worl(普世智慧是世界发展的基础)”。
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering is present wherever engineere systems interact with the physical worl. This broa applicability assures its place as a vibrant core iscipline, increasingly focuse on integrating the exploration of funamental soli an flui mechanics with computer aie esign/manufacture an embee sensors an control. Learn about our unergrauate an grauate programs.
Toay mechanical engineers are involve with the evelopment of leaing ege systems in areas such as clean energy, biomeical evices, transportation, aeronautics an aerospace, robotics an optics, in turn propelle by funamental mechanical engineering research into composite, ceramic an metallic materials, nanotechnology an computational analysis an intelligent esign software.
Research areas
Our research areas inclue:
integrate energy systems ﹙system moeling, fuel cells, wave/win/tial evices, hybri vehicles﹚
bioengineering ﹙lab-on-chip, iagnostic sensors, rehabilitation evices, heat valves﹚
avance materials an manufacturing ﹙crystal growth, microscopy, micromachining, rapi prototyping﹚
robotics an mechatronics ﹙micro electro-mechanical systems ﹙MEMS﹚, haptics, optics﹚
thermofluis an transport phenomena ﹙microfluiics, cryogenics, acoustics, experimental an computational flui ynamics﹚
ynamics an control ﹙autonomous an remotely operate vehicles﹚
computer aie esign an manufacturing ﹙optimization, tool path generation, micromachining﹚
aerospace systems ﹙unmanne air vehicles, avance composites, structural health monitoring﹚
一年三个学期约$ 10,012
Program Length
The program length for MEng is guie by time limits establishe by the Faculty of Grauate Stuies. Typically, the Department of Mechanical Engineering MEng stuents are expecte to complete program requirements within 24 months.
Master of Engineering – Project-base Option
The MEng program is esigne to provie stuents with an opportunity to strengthen an exten the knowlege they have gaine at the unergrauate level. All MEng stuents will be uner the supervision of a member of the epartment’s grauate faculty.
Course Requirements
The program consists of a minimum of 16.0 units, normally with not less than 12 units of grauate course work, a 1.0 unit seminar an a MEng Project Report ﹙MECH 598﹚.
Require course work is subject to the approval of the epartment.
Other Requirements
The program of stuy is etermine by the supervisory committee in consultation with the stuent.
The program allows for a maximum of two Directe Stuies courses ﹙MECH 590﹚, of which only one may be irectly relate to the project report, an two 400-level unergrauate courses. With permission of the supervisor an Grauate Program Director, up to 6.0 units of relevant coursework may be taken from other epartments.
All MEng stuents are require to register in the seminar ﹙MECH 594﹚, normally until program completion. The seminar has a unit value of 1.0. Stuents must atten a minimum of 6 of the seminars per term, for a total of 36 seminars over 2 years.
Final Project
The project ﹙MECH 598﹚ for the MEng program is normally not greater than 3.0 units. The topic of the project is subject to the approval of the epartment.
The work leaing to the project must be performe uner the irection of an acaemic supervisor who is a member of the epartment’s grauate faculty. A etaile escription of the project will be presente in a formal report written by the stuent.
Each stuent’s program is subject to the approval of the epartment.
Oral Examination
MEng stuents will be require to efen their complete project in a final oral examination which is open to the public.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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