纽布伦斯威克大学(University Of New Brunswick),或译为纽布朗维克大学、纽宾士域大学、新布伦瑞克大学,具有悠久的历史,1785年建校是加拿大第二个建校的英语大学,拥有两个校区:Freericton 和Saint John。在教育,法律,理科和工程课程方面成果卓越。这些专业在全国学校专业排名中名列前茅。近十几年,学校出现了六个罗德学者。国家研究理事会﹙NRC﹚花费3,700万在这里建造了信息技术,电子商务研究的总部,此研究院聚集了40名NRC的研究员,技术人员和工作人员,还有分别来自2个校区及麦克敦大学的12名人造卫星方面的专家。学校工商管理专业、电子商务方面的本科和研究生课程设置灵活,并具有创新性。学校计算机科学专业开放了价值350万加元的计算机大楼和信息技术中心,可容纳200多个学生在这里学习研究。此专业招收软件工程专业的学生。学校的人文学学院也在加拿大享有盛名,其历史系还出版过大西洋历史的日志"Acaiensis"。
Mechanical Engineering
Our program allows grauate stuents to be involve in high level research an evelopment, an the esign of a wie range of mechanical systems. UNB’s mechanical engineering program offers stuents exciting an iverse program options incluing: biomeical engineering, instrumentation an control, manufacturing engineering, materials characterization an processing, an mechatronics.
Stuents have access to various labs, an the epartment is linke with various research groups an institutes, for example, the Marine Aitive Manufacturing Centre of Excellence ﹙the first research centre in Canaa to use 3D metal printing as a metho for manufacturing certifie, custom parts for the marine sector,﹚ the Avance Manufacturing Lab ﹙High performance machining, manufacturing an materials characterization﹚, Robotics an Mechanisms Laboratory, Bioenergy an Bioproucts Research Lab, an Institute of Biomeical Engineering
Research areas
Feel free to contact our faculty irectory for more information regaring faculty members.
Acoustics & Vibration
Avance Process Controls
Avance Manufacturing an Materials Processing
Biofuels an Biomass Processing
Biomeical Engineering an Biomaterials
High-performance machining
Laser machining micro/nano processing
Material Characterization
Multiscale moeling in soli an flui mechanics
Mechatronics & Design
Nanostructure Coatings
Renewable Energy Systems
Robotics & Applie Mechanics
Smart Sensors
Soli Mechanics
Thermofluis & Aeroynamics
最低成绩要求平均分B (GPA 3.0或70%)及以上。
每门课学费:约为$ 1,402,全部修10门课费用约为$14,020
The egree requires successful completion of a minimum of 10 courses ﹙minimum of 30 creit hours with a minimum of 18 creit hours be esignate for technical courses, six creit hours be taken from the approve list of MBA courses, an six creit hours be taken as interest courses﹚.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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