学校概况 阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta,简称UA)位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省会城市埃德蒙顿,成立于1908年,多年来与多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学、英属哥伦比亚大学一起稳居加拿大研究型大学前五,世界排名前百,是加拿大顶尖的研究型大学。阿尔伯塔大学是加拿大U15大学联盟的创始成员、加拿大G13大学联盟的成员以及世界大学联盟的成员。阿尔伯塔大学是加拿大五所最大的以科研为主的综合性大学之一,其科研水平居加拿大大学队伍的前列。参加全加14个优秀科研网的仅有3所大学,阿尔伯塔大学便跻身其列(其他两所是多伦多大学和麦吉尔大学)。在全国大学中,阿尔伯塔大学占皇家学会会员人数以及申请美国技术专利和技术转让总数均居第五位,其科研收入与所得资助总额居全国第五。广阔的校区容纳了400个科研实验室,包括全加最有实力的激光实验室、最居前沿的扫描电子显微镜实验室,大学图书馆是加拿大第二大科研图书馆,人均图书拥有量居全加第一。
Bachelor of Science with Honors 高中毕业生不能直接申请荣誉理学学士学位
Faculty of Science
Why stuy Psychology? ﹙Honors﹚ 荣誉学士学位
The BSc Psychology program focuses on how the brain functions, an how we perceive, learn, an forget things. You’ll gain an unerstaning of areas like perception an motivation, behavior, an cognitive evelopment, with emphasis on the physical, biological an mathematical sciences.
Our Honors Psychology program inclues first-han experience conucting research uner the guiance of a faculty mentor. There are two phases to this experience: A research apprenticeship unertaken in your thir year, an the thesis research conucte in your fourth year.
Why take the BSc Honors egree?
The Bachelor of Science Honors egree provies excellent training in one specific subject. As an Honors stuent, you will focus on one main fiel of stuy an must maintain a higher stanar of acaemic achievement than stuents in a General or Specialization program. This is the best program if you plan to pursue a higher egree or a research-base or acaemic career.
专业描述二 Psychology
Bachelor of Science General (普通学士学位)这个可以申请
Faculty of Science
Why stuy Psychology?
The BSc Psychology program focuses on how the brain functions an how we perceive, learn, an forget things. You’ll gain an unerstaning of areas like perception an motivation, behavior, an cognitive evelopment, with emphasis on the physical, biological, an mathematical sciences. This program is esigne to provie a broa view of science psychology an allows for customization an flexibility with courses an program irection.
Why take the BSc General egree?
The Bachelor of Science General egree offers a wie variety of majors an minors, allowing you to create a iversifie egree base on your interests. Majors must be in Science, but minors can also be from courses offere by Arts; Business; or Agriculture, Life an Environmental Sciences. You can also take a ouble major in Science.
Why stuy Science at the University of Alberta?
The Faculty of Science at the University of Alberta elivers high-quality programs that investigate, explain, an explore the real science behin issues that affect our aily lives. With nearly 60 egree programs in 39 subject areas, we are one of the most comprehensive science faculties in Canaa, with state-of-the-art teaching an learning facilities, opportunities for unergrauate research, an professors who are leaing researchers in their fiels
Possible Careers
Aiction Counsellor
Career Development Professional
Chemical Senses Specialist
Chil an Youth Care Worker
Clinical Neurophyschiatrist
Court Trial Consultant
Crime Prevention Coorinator
Crisis Counsellor
Employment Counsellor
Forensic Psychologist
Group Home Coorinator
Mental Health Clinician
Parole or Probation Officer
Research Scientist
One of the two TOEFL ﹙Test of English as a Foreign Language﹚ test formats with the appropriate score; Internet-base TOEFL ﹙iBT﹚ of at least 90, with no less than 21 on each ban ﹙see Note 4﹚.
Paper-base TOEFL of at least 580 with a TWE of 4.0 or better ﹙see Note 4﹚.
A score of at least 6.5 on the IELTS Acaemic ﹙International English Language Testing System﹚ with no ban less than 5.5 ﹙see Note 4﹚.
Fall application: March 1, 2019
March 1st is the ealine to apply for most irect entry programs, but be sure to ouble-check! For a complete listing of application an ocument ealines refer to the University Calenar.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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