school entrance requirement course tuition
﹙2016/17﹚ link
the university of hong kong
香港大学 1. a recognize bachelor’s egree or equivalent.(受认可的学士学位证)
2. a minimum overall ban of 6 with no sub-test lower than 5.5 in the international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚雅思6分,小分不低于5.5
3. applicants who are short-liste may be invite to atten interviews or tests(首轮通过后可能会被邀请面试)
master of eucation
ft ﹙1 year﹚ hk$115,500 课程设置:
application fee: hk$300
1. a bachelor's egree in english language, linguistics, literature or english language eucation from this university or another comparable institution.
2. ielts 6.5 with no sub-test lower than 6.0 ma tesol
ft ﹙1 year﹚ hk$125,000
application fee: hk$300
the chinese university of hong kong
香港中文大学 1. grauate from an honours programme of a recognise university with a bachelor’s egree, normally achieving an average grae of not lower than “b”;(受认可的学士学位,成绩不低于b)
2. ielts ﹙acaemic﹚ ﹙normally not lower than ban 6.5﹚;雅思6.5
3. pass an entrance examination or interview conucte by the grauate ivision of eucation ﹙笔试+面试﹚
master of eucation
ft ﹙1 year﹚ hk$121,800
application fee: hk$300
1. grauate from an honours programme of a recognise university with a bachelor’s egree, normally achieving an average grae of not lower than “b”;(受认可的学士学位,成绩不低于b)
2. ielts ﹙acaemic﹚ ﹙normally not lower than ban 6.5﹚;雅思6.5
3. pass an entrance examination or interview conucte by the grauate ivision of eucation ﹙笔试+面试﹚
ma tesol
ft ﹙1 year﹚ hk$99,000 application fee: hk$300
hong kong baptist university
香港浸会大学 1. a bachelor’s egree from a recognize university or equivalent; ﹙受认可的学士学位﹚
2. emonstrate language proficiency in chinese an english** as recognise by the epartment.语言能力要求如下
★ for applicants applying for the english language teaching ﹙elt﹚ concentration – ielts 6.5
★ for applicants applying for non-elt concentrations – ielts 6.0;
★ master of eucation
ft ﹙1 year﹚ hk$89,100 link
application fee: hk$300
the hong kong institute of eucation
香港教育学院 1. applicants shoul normally hol a recognize bachelor’s egree, or equivalent.
2. shortliste applicants invite for amission interview/test will be notifie by email. some applicants may be given a irect offer.
ielts 6.0 master of eucation
ft ﹙1 year﹚ hk$103,200 link
application fee: hk$300
备注:此表格信息更新于2017.06.21, 学校官网可能随时有更新,具体以当时官网信息为准。以上application ealine是针对2017年9月入学的;
ma tesol
core moules:
secon language acquisition
language teaching methoology an curriculum esign
elective moules
iscourse analysis
information technology in language teaching
testing an assessment
linguistics for secon language teachers
cross-cultural pragmatics
contrastive analysis between chinese an english
worl english
teaching secon language vocabulary
phonetics an phonology for english teachers
english yesteray an toay
grammar for english teachers
teaching english for acaemic purposes
teaching english for specific purposes
ma eucation
generalist route ﹙eucational stuies stran﹚;教育学概论
﹙ii﹚ specialist route教育学细分方向
business eucation an human resources evelopment
curriculum, teaching an assessment
early chilhoo eucation
eucational an evelopmental psychology^1
eucational management an leaership
health an physical eucation
mathematics, technology , science an environment^2
mathematics an technology stran^3
science an environmental stuies stran
special nees, gifteness an counselling
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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