1) 你的名字和学生号
2) 提醒下老师你和他的交集,如:我参加了您2018年教授的英语课,得到了a的成绩。
4) 告知教授打算提交申请的时间和申请的截止日期,以及需要学校抬头纸打印。
i am writing to ask if you woul be willing to write a letter of recommenation for me.
"i ha not consiere going into research until i took your cell biology class. that motivate me to get a part-time job in r. jin's lab an now i'm excite about the possibility of oing stem cell research after gra school."
"i believe that you're aware through our conversations an my participation in your course that i'm eicate to the fiel of archeology. i've complete my egree in archeology as of june of this year. i was also able to intern at the museum uner r. marcus broy, whom i believe you know. i also have extensive experience in cataloging items gaine through my internship."
"i nee to submit the letter of recommenation by august 3r. if you're willing to write me a recommenation letter, please let me know an i' be happy to come by your office any time to pick it up."
第四段告诉老师你的申请的截止日期以及你打算如何follow up
thank you in avance for your time, an consieration. i also wante to exten an aitional thank you for the time i spent uner your instruction. i really enjoye your course, an i can't express how much i've taken away from archeology 101.
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