2、 申请Bachelor of Meicine an Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)课程的学生有机会获得70000纽币的奖学金,5个名额,详见如下链接:
3、 2018年7月10日,奥克兰大学正式开设Grauate School of Engineering,这是新西兰第一所也是目前唯一 一所为工程类研究生开设的学院。
In August we bring you news of welcome changes to post-stuy work rights, an amazing scholarship for meical stuents, an take you to Colombia’s hot stuy estination.
We also announce the launch of New Zealan’s first Grauate School of Engineering, give a cultural greeting to our Semester Two stuents, an introuce our new Stuent Recruitment Aviser base in Inia.
Don’t forget to check our important notices or watch our vieo on Aucklan accommoation!
Welcome changes to post-stuy work rights
On August 8 the New Zealan Government announce changes to immigration settings that impact post-stuy work rights for international stuents. Learn more… https://aucklan.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b506e2f251f6951c96a1f02&i=8668b7ac9&e=139300aa9
$70,000 meicine scholarship
The Faculty of Meical an Health Sciences will awar up to five scholarships of NZ$70,000 to international stuents accepte into the Bachelor of Meicine an Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) programme.
Discover more… https://aucklan.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b506e2f251f6951c96a1f02&i=592e4ce4fe&e=139300aa9
Colombia new hot spot for scholarship stuents
Once known as one of the worl’s most notorious cities uring the reign of Pablo Escobar an the Meellin cartel, Meellin in Colombia is hot again, but this time for the right reasons. Check out our story… https://aucklan.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b506e2f251f6951c96a1f02&i=ece60bf19c&e=139300aa9
Grauate School of Engineering launche
The University of Aucklan launche the country’s first Grauate School of Engineering on July 10, with the aim of proviing the best possible postgrauate stuent experience for our next generation of engineers.
Rea more… https://aucklan.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b506e2f251f6951c96a1f02&i=0eb0b816a&e=139300aa9
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