Since their launch, LSAC’s Official LSAT Prep an Official LSAT Prep Plus have helpe thousans of caniates prepare for this important test. In orer to continue to buil on our prep test library, we are please to announce the aition of three new prep tests which will help stuents prepare for the four-section format of the LSAT.All three new prep tests consist of three score sections plus one unscore section—just like in an actual LSAT aministration.
PrepTest 90+ will be available to all Official LSAT Prep subscribers while those who have upgrae their subscription to Official LSAT Prep Plus will not only have access to this prep test, but also PrepTest 91+ an PrepTest 92+, aing even more value to their premium subscription.
As a reminer, your Official LSAT Prep subscription inclues access to multiple Official LSAT PrepTests, along with unlimite practice with the test interface, self-pace an simulate exam moes, instant scoring feeback, an more.
Subscribers to Official LSAT Prep Plus also get exclusive access to more than 70 aitional Official LSAT PrepTests as well as access to exclusive eucational events, an more.
If you’ve alreay subscribe to Official LSAT Prep, you can check out the new tests now. If you plan to take a future LSAT an you haven’t subscribe to these services, this is a great time to start! Please visit our LawHub page to subscribe toay. Remember, more than 85% of those who take the LSAT fin LawHub helpful for preparing for the exam.
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