约翰霍普金斯大学(johns hopkins university,缩写jhu,别名“菊花大学”)成立于1876年1月22日,系根据美国著名慈善家约翰·霍普金斯的遗嘱使用其遗产建立。美国国家科学基金会连续31年将该校列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。截止至2012年,约翰霍普金斯大学共有36名校友获诺贝尔奖。
efine success in team project.
when is the last time you work in a team?what role i you play?
tell me about your experience in workingwith community organizations.
tell me about a time when you persuaeothers.
how will you approach make ifficultecision?
experience when you eal with ifferentpeople.
how o you manage your yesteray?
what is your most effective worksetting?
15.what is something that you have neverone before but want to try in the future.
like routine or changes ?
what professionalism means to you?
how o you fin it important that youspen time while you are not working?
the most challenging or risk ecisionyou have mae.
escribe a movie that inspires you.
what are you hobbies?
tell me one thing that you feel stronglyabout an why.
how o you efine success?
the person u amire.
what o you o outsie of work?
is there anything you wish you ha beenaske on your application, that you woul like to share?
why carey business school?
how i you interest in our program?
how will our program help you to achieveyour goals?
what specific courses an projects areyou intereste in pursuing in our program?
what raws you to our program over theother schools you have applie to? is carey business school your top choice?why an why not?
how you fit carey?
what makes you fit in with careybusinessschool's mission?
escribe 2-3 of your weaknesses。
what is your ability to listen anrespon?
what makes you unique?
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服务专线: 400-010-8000
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