The Ewar S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering offers grauate courses an research opportunities in three programs of stuy. The Master of Applie Science (MASc) an Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are research-base egree programs an require the completion of a thesis. The Master of Engineering (MEng) is a course-base egree program an may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.
The MASc program provies stuents with an opportunity to pursue avance stuies in the particular fiel of major interest an an opportunity to engage in research. The program requires full-time stuy for a minimum of one year, coursework, an a thesis on a research project.
The MEng program is esigne to provie professional training beyon the unergrauate level an to accelerate careers with specialize engineering expertise neee in business, government, an inustry. The egree requirements, consisting of courses an an optional MEng project, are structure to be complete in one year by a full-time stuent.
The PhD program is esigne for those exceptional iniviuals who inten to pursue a career in funamental or applie research. The program requires coursework an the successful completion of a research thesis.
The epartment offers research in the following areas:
· Biomeical Engineering
· Communications
· Computer Engineering
· Electromagnetics
· Electronics
· Energy Systems
· Photonics
· Systems Control
Please visit for more information.
Application payment ealine
MASc, PhD:
Fall 2022 an Winter 2023 entry
Fall 2022 an Winter 2023 entry
MASc, PhD:
Fall 2022 an Winter 2023 entry
Fall 2022 an Winter 2023 entry
Supporting ocuments ealine
MASc, PhD:
MASc, PhD:
Minimum amission average
MASc, MEng:
Mi-B in the final year
B+ average in Master’s
MASc, MEng:
Mi-B in the final year
B+ average in Master’s
Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD?
Yes (minimum A-minus average in bachelor’s egree)
Yes (minimum A-minus average in bachelor’s egree)
Is a supervisor ientifie before or after amission?
MASc, PhD:
MASc, PhD:
Is a supervisor assigne by the grauate unit or secure by the applicant?
MASc, PhD:
MASc, PhD:
Program length (full-time only)
6 sessions
3 sessions
4 years; 5 years if entering irectly from bachelor’s
6 sessions
3 sessions
4 years; 5 years if entering irectly from bachelor’s
The MASc provies stuents with an opportunity to pursue avance stuies in the particular area of interest an an opportunity to engage in research.
Applicants are amitte uner the General Regulations of the School of Grauate Stuies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering's aitional amission requirements state below.
An appropriate bachelor's egree in electrical an computer engineering or its equivalent from a recognize university.
High acaemic staning equivalent to a mi-B or better, normally emonstrate by an average grae in the final year or over senior-level courses.
Each stuent's program of stuy must receive the approval of the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering an, in general, shall consist of a research or esign project on which a thesis must be submitte.
During Year 1, stuents are require to atten the ECE Colloquium an complete JDE1000H Ethics in Research (0.0 FCE).
Coursework. Normally, completion of 2.5 grauate full-course equivalents (FCEs) or five half courses. Stuents whose unergrauate preparation oes not inclue the stuy of subjects eeme to be necessary for research in the chosen area will be require to complete aitional courses.
Thesis. This thesis shall emonstrate the stuent's ability to o inepenent work in relating, organizing, an extening existing techniques where require, an in suggesting an eveloping new approaches to problems in an area of applie science an engineering.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Robotics or Sustainable Energy as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
6 sessions full-time (typical registration sequence: F/W/S/F/W/S)
3 years full-time
The MEng program is esigne to provie professional training beyon the unergrauate level an to accelerate careers with specialize engineering expertise neee in business, government, an inustry.
The MEng program can be taken on a full-time, extene full-time, or part-time basis.
Applicants are amitte uner the General Regulations of the School of Grauate Stuies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering's aitional amission requirements state below.
An appropriate bachelor's egree in electrical an computer engineering or its equivalent from a recognize university.
High acaemic staning equivalent to a mi-B or better, normally emonstrate by an average grae in the final year or over senior-level courses.
Coursework. Normally, completion of 4.5 grauate full-course equivalents (FCEs) or nine half courses for applicants with aequate unergrauate preparation. At least 2.5 grauate FCEs or five half courses must be rawn from grauate courses offere by the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering.
Stuents may choose to complete an engineering project with an equivalent value of 1.5 FCEs. Stuents choosing the project option will be require to complete a total of 3.0 FCEs in aition to the project. In orer to pursue the project option, the stuent must secure a professor who will act as the supervisor throughout the project.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Analytics; Biomeical Engineering; Communications; Computer Engineering; Electromagnetics; Electronics; Energy Systems; Engineering an Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leaership, Innovation an Technology in Engineering (ELITE); Ientity, Privacy an Security (IPS); Photonics; Robotics; Sustainable Energy; or Systems Control as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
3 sessions (typical registration sequence: F/W/S)
3 years
Applicants are amitte uner the General Regulations of the School of Grauate Stuies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering's aitional amission requirements state below.
An appropriate bachelor's egree in electrical an computer engineering or its equivalent from a recognize university.
High acaemic staning equivalent to a mi-B or better, normally emonstrate by an average grae in the final year or over senior-level courses.
Stuents are expecte to complete the requirements in six sessions (two years) an are limite to six half courses per year an three half courses per session.
Coursework. Normally, completion of 4.5 grauate full-course equivalents (FCEs) or nine half courses for applicants with aequate unergrauate preparation. At least 2.5 grauate FCEs or five half courses must be rawn from grauate courses offere by the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering.
Stuents may choose to complete an engineering project with an equivalent value of 1.5 FCEs. Stuents choosing the project option will be require to complete a total of 3.0 FCEs in aition to the project. In orer to pursue the project option, the stuent must secure a professor who will act as the supervisor throughout the project.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Analytics; Biomeical Engineering; Communications; Computer Engineering; Electromagnetics; Electronics; Energy Systems; Engineering an Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leaership, Innovation an Technology in Engineering (ELITE); Ientity, Privacy an Security (IPS); Photonics; Robotics; Sustainable Energy; or Systems Control as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
6 sessions (typical registration sequence: F/W/S/F/W/S)
3 years
Applicants are amitte uner the General Regulations of the School of Grauate Stuies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering's aitional amission requirements state below.
An appropriate bachelor's egree in electrical an computer engineering or its equivalent from a recognize university.
High acaemic staning equivalent to a mi-B or better, normally emonstrate by an average grae in the final year or over senior-level courses.
Stuents normally complete the requirements in nine sessions (three years). They are limite to four half courses per year an two half courses per session.
Coursework. Normally, completion of 4.5 grauate full-course equivalents (FCEs) or nine half courses for applicants with aequate unergrauate preparation. At least 2.5 grauate FCEs or five half courses must be rawn from grauate courses offere by the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering.
Stuents may choose to complete an engineering project with an equivalent value of 1.5 FCEs. Stuents choosing the project option will be require to complete a total of 3.0 FCEs in aition to the project. In orer to pursue the project option, the stuent must secure a professor who will act as the supervisor throughout the project.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Analytics; Biomeical Engineering; Communications; Computer Engineering; Electromagnetics; Electronics; Energy Systems; Engineering an Globalization; Entrepreneurship, Leaership, Innovation an Technology in Engineering (ELITE); Ientity, Privacy an Security (IPS); Photonics; Robotics; Sustainable Energy; or Systems Control as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
9 sessions
6 years
The PhD program is esigne for exceptional iniviuals who inten to pursue a career in funamental or applie research.
Applicants may enter the PhD program via one of three routes: 1) following completion of the University of Toronto master's egree in Electrical an Computer Engineering or its equivalent from a recognize university; 2) transfer from the University of Toronto MASc program; or 3) irect entry for exceptionally qualifie stuents with an appropriate bachelor's egree from a recognize university.
Applicants are amitte uner the General Regulations of the School of Grauate Stuies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering's aitional amission requirements state below.
Amission may be grante for applicants with a University of Toronto master's egree in Electrical an Computer Engineering with an overall average of at least B+, or its equivalent from a recognize university.
The epartment must be satisfie of the stuent's ability to o avance research beforeamission may be grante.
Coursework. Normally, stuents who enter the PhD with a master's egree will complete 2.5 full-course equivalents (FCEs) not previously use for other egree creit. Stuents may receive a course reuction of up to 1.0 FCE epening on their PhD research nees in relation to their stuies at the master's level. The number of require courses will be etermine by the Associate Chair, Grauate Stuies, in consultation with the PhD supervisor.
During Year 1, each stuent must:
pass a qualifying oral examination in the area of research;
atten the ECE Colloquium;
complete JDE1000H Ethics in Research (0.0 FCE) if they have not alreay one so in a previous University of Toronto master's program.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Robotics or Sustainable Energy as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
4 years
6 years
Amission may be grante to applicants via transfer from the MASc to the PhD program, upon completion of 2.5 grauate full-course equivalents (FCEs) with an overall average of at least B+.
Coursework. Normally, stuents who transfer from the MASc to the PhD will complete 1.5 grauate FCEs, in aition to courses complete while registere in the MASc program. Stuents may be require to complete up to 1.0 aitional FCE epening on their PhD research nees in relation to their stuies at the master's level. The number of require courses will be etermine by the Associate Chair, Grauate Stuies, in consultation with the PhD supervisor.
During Year 1, each stuent must:
pass a qualifying oral examination in the area of research;
atten the ECE Colloquium;
complete JDE1000H Ethics in Research (0.0 FCE) if they have not alreay one so in a previous University of Toronto master's program.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Robotics or Sustainable Energy as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
5 years
7 years
Applicants are amitte uner the General Regulations of the School of Grauate Stuies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Electrical an Computer Engineering's aitional amission requirements state below.
Amission may be grante by irect entry for exceptionally qualifie stuents with an appropriate bachelor's egree from a recognize university.
· The epartment must be satisfie of the stuent's ability to o avance research before amission may be grante.
Coursework. Stuents must complete 4.0 grauate full-course equivalents (FCEs).
During Year 1, each stuent must:
pass a qualifying oral examination in the area of research;
atten the ECE Colloquium;
complete JDE1000H Ethics in Research (0.0 FCE) if they have not alreay one so in a previous University of Toronto master's program.
Stuents have the option of completing an emphasis in Robotics or Sustainable Energy as part of their egree program. Please see etails in the Electrical an Computer Engineering MASc, MEng, PhD Emphases section.
5 years
7 years
To be amitte to the emphasis in Analytics, MEng stuents must first successfully complete a prerequisite course APS1070H (0.5 full-course equivalent [FCE]).
Subsequently, to earn the emphasis, stuents must successfully complete four aitional half courses (2.0 FCEs) from the list of core courses or elective courses. These must inclue at least one core course; the remaining courses must be selecte from the list of elective courses.
Stuents must have complete the prerequisite course APS1070H before taking any of the core courses.
APS1070H Founations of Data Analytics an Machine Learning.
CHE1147H Data Mining in Engineering
ECE1513H Introuction to Machine Learning (exclusions: CSC411H, CSC2515H, ECE421H, ECE521H, ECE1504H)
MIE1624H Introuction to Data Science an Analytics
MSE1065H Application of Artificial Intelligence in Materials Design (exclusion: MSE1063H).
APS502H, APS1005H, APS1017H, APS1022H, APS1040H, APS1050H, APS1051H, APS1052H, APS1053H, APS1080H,
CHE507H, CHE1108H, CHE1148H, CHE1434H,
CIV1504H, CIV1506H, CIV1507H, CIV1532H, CIV1538H,
ECE537H, ECE1504H (exclusions: CSC411H, CSC2515H, ECE421H, ECE521H, ECE1513H), ECE1505H, ECE1510H, ECE1657H, ECE1778H, ECE1779H,
MIE562H, MIE1413H, MIE1501H, MIE1512H, MIE1513H, MIE1517H, MIE1620H, MIE1621H, MIE1622H, MIE1623H, MIE1628H, MIE1653H, MIE1721H, MIE1723H, MIE1727H,
MSE1063H (exclusion: MSE1065H).
Emphasis: Biomeical Engineering (MEng only)
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
Any JEB14XXH course
ECE1774H Sensory Cybernetics
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in biomeical engineering; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
Stuents may inclue other biomeical engineering-relate courses subject to the approval of the ECE Associate Chair for Grauate Stuies.
Emphasis: Communications (MEng only)
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
ECE537H Ranom Processes
Any ECE15XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in communications; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
Emphasis: Computer Engineering (MEng only)
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
ECE516H Intelligent Image Processing
ECE532H Digital Systems Design
ECE540H Optimizing Compilers
ECE552H Computer Architecture
ECE568H Computer Security
Any ECE17XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in computer engineering; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
Any ECE12XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in electromagnetics; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
Emphasis: Electronics (MEng only)
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
ECE530H Analog Integrate Circuits
Any ECE13XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in electronics; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
Emphasis: Energy Systems (MEng only)
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
ECE510H Introuction to Lighting Systems
ECE514H Power Electronics: Converter Topologies
ECE533H Power Electronics
Any ECE10XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in energy systems; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
MEng stuents must successfully complete four half courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) from the following lists, with at least two half courses (or one full course) taken from Group A.
APS510H, APS530H, APS1420H, JCR1000Y (full-year course).
APS1015H, APS1020H, APS1024H, CHL5700H, CIV1399H, JMG2020H.
Note: Stuents who choose to pursue an MEng project in their home epartment that aligns with the Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN)'s isciplinary focus, as eeme by the CGEN Director, may count the project as one require Group B course.
Stuents who complete the requirements of the emphasis in Engineering an Globalization an wish to obtain a notation on their transcripts shoul contact the Faculty Grauate Stuies office .
MEng stuents must successfully complete any four of the following courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]):
TEP1010H, TEP1011H, TEP1026H, TEP1027H, TEP1029H, TEP1030H, TEP1501H, TEP1502H, TEP1601H.
APS1012H, APS1013H, APS1015H, APS1023H, APS1033H, APS1035H, APS1036H, APS1041H, APS1061H, APS1088H.
AER1601H, APS502H, APS1001H, APS1004H, APS1005H, APS1009H, APS1016H, APS1017H, APS1020H, APS1022H, APS1028H, APS1032H, APS1038H, APS1039H, APS1040H, APS1043H, APS1049H, APS1050H, APS1051H, APS1052H.
APS510H, APS1018H, APS1024H, APS1025H, APS1031H, APS1034H, APS1101H, APS1420H.
MEng stuents must successfully complete four half courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) as follows:
JIE1001H/ECE1518H Seminar in Ientity, Privacy, an Security (0.5 FCE)
Two courses (1.0 FCE) from:
ECE568H, ECE1517H, ECE1529H, ECE1776H, ECE1778H
An one course (0.5 FCE) from:
INF2124H, INF2181H, INF2241H.
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
ECE527H Photonic Devices
Any ECE14XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in photonics; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
Stuents must successfully complete four courses (2.0 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) chosen from at least two of the following groups, an no more than two in any given group:
AER1516H, AER1517H,
ECE557H (exclusion: ECE410H), ECE1619H, ECE1635H, ECE1636H, ECE1647H, ECE1653H, ECE1657H,
MIE1064H, MIE1068H.
AER1513H, AER1515H,
CSC2503H, CSC2506H, CSC2515H, CSC2541H, CSC2548H,
ECE516H, ECE521H, ECE1511H, ECE1512H,
AER1503H, AER1512H, AER506H,
AER525H (exclusion: ECE470H), AER1216H, AER1217H,
ECE470H (exclusion: AER525H),
MIE505H, MIE506H, MIE1070H, MIE1075H, MIE1076H, MIE1080H, MIE1809H,
ROB521H, ROB1514H.
MASc an PhD stuents must successfully complete:
At least three half courses (1.5 full-course equivalents [FCEs]) from either of the following lists below.
A thesis towars their egree on a topic relate to sustainable energy. Topics must be approve by the steering committee of the Institute of Sustainable Energy. Contact: Maneep Rayat .
MEng stuents must successfully complete:
Four half courses (2.0 FCEs) from either of the following lists below, incluing at least one core course (0.5 FCE).
APS1032H Introuction to Energy Project Management,
MIE515H Alternative Energy Systems,
MIE1120H Current Energy Infrastructure an Resources.
AER507H, AER1304H, AER1315H, AER1415H,
CHE568H, CHE1053H, CHE1118H, CHE1123H, CHE1142H, CHE1143H,
CIV575H, CIV576H, CIV577H, CIV1303H, CIV1307H,
ECE533H, ECE1030H, ECE1055H, ECE1057H, ECE1059H, ECE1085H, ECE1086H, ECE1092H, ECE1094H, ECE1476H,
MIE516H, MIE517H, MIE1128H, MIE1129H, MIE1130H, MIE1240H, MIE1241H, MIE1715H,
MSE1023H, MSE1028H, MSE1058H.
Stuents who complete the requirements of the emphasis in Sustainable Energy will receive a notation on their transcript from the Faculty Grauate Stuies Office following a recommenation from the Institute of Sustainable Energy. Contact: Maneep Rayat .
MEng stuents must successfully complete at least four courses from those liste below. Stuents may ouble-count one course at most towars any ECE emphasis.
ECE557H Systems Control
Any ECE16XXH course
ECE2500Y Master of Engineering Project (topic in systems control; counts as one course towars the emphasis).
· Acaemic Calenar / Electrical an Computer Engineering
Applie Science an Engineering
· Fiels:
o Biomeical Engineering;
o Communications;
o Computer Engineering;
o Electromagnetics;
o Electronics;
o Energy Systems;
o Photonics;
o Systems Control
· Emphases:
o Robotics;
o Sustainable Energy
Biomeical Engineering;
Computer Engineering;
Energy Systems;
Engineering an Globalization;
Entrepreneurship, Leaership, Innovation an Technology in Engineering (ELITE);
Ientity, Privacy an Security (IPS);
Sustainable Energy;
Systems Control
System Control
Biomeical Engineering;
Computer Engineering;
Energy Systems;
· Robotics;
· Sustainable Energy
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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