You shoul have an unergrauate egree from a recognise university or college with a minimum 3.25 GPA
Bachelor egree with a minimum average of 3.0/4.0
First Class Bachelor (Honours) egree GPA of 3.7 out of 4.0
High 2:1 Class Bachelor (Honours) egree(equivalent to 65% overall) GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0
2:1 Class Bachelor (Honours) egree GPA of 3.3 out of 4.0
High 2:2 Class Bachelor (Honours) egree GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0
2:2 Class Bachelor (Honours) egree GPA of 2.7 out of 4.0
A CGPA of 3.2 or above is consiere equivalent to a UK upper secon-class egree.
Bachelor’s egree (GPA: 3.0+) from an accreite university or college in a relevant subject
A Bachelors egree from an accreite university with a GPA of 3.3 or better out of 4.0
2.8 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for entry to programmes with a 2:2 requirement
3.2 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for entry to programmes with a 2:1 requirement
Bachelors egree from a recognise institution minimum GPA 3.0 out of 4
UK 1st egree equivalent: GPA 3.6 out of 4.0
UK 2.1 egree equivalent: GPA 3.2 out of 4.0; GPA 3.0 epening on awaring institution
Bachelor egree (minimum 4 years) with an overall GPA of at least 3
Holers of a goo unergrauate four year bachelor egree with high graes in relevant iniviual subjects from an accreite university or college in the USA
St Anrews
3.2 or above (base on a 4.0 grae point average GPA scale) - if the UK requirement is an upper secon class (2.1) Honours egree.
3.7 or above (base on a 4.0 grae point average GPA scale) - if the UK requirement is a First Class Honours egree.
GPA on a 4.0 Scale
Upper Secon Class (2:1) 3.2+
Lower Secon Class (2:2) 2.8+
Queen Mary
UK 1st class egree: GPA 3.7 out of 4.0
UK 2:1 egree: GPA 3.2 out of 4.0
UK 2:2 egree: GPA 2.5 out of 4.0
Bachelor's egree At least 4 years 3.3/4.0
A score of 3.2 out of 4.0 is consiere comparable to a UK 2:1
A score of 2.8 out of 4.0 is consiere comparable to a UK 2:2
Typically we recognise GPA 3.0/4.0 in a four year Bachelor egree as comparable to a 2.1 an GPA 2.8/4.0 as comparable to a 2.2
You will be require to have a bachelor's egree with goo graes from recognise universities an colleges in the Unite States to be consiere. A minimum GPA of at least 3.0 is usually require an amissions tutors will pay special attention to key subject classes.
typically we equate a GPA of 2.6 or above in a US first egree as comparable to a UK Lower Secon-Class (2:2) an a GPA of 3.2 or above as comparable to a UK Upper Secon-Class (2:1)
Stuents offering a bachelor's egree from an American university are welcome to apply for a master's programme. For most programmes we look for a GPA of at least 3.0.
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