JD学制3年,虽然名字叫做法学博士,实际上等同于LLB,即Bachelor of Law。想要在北美从事律师的工作,一般都要通过JD的3年学习,在此学习阶段,学校会强制性安排法律实习以满足加拿大律师从业执照的考试要求。JD的申请要求:本科不限专业,GPA 至少在3.7以上,需要参加法学院入学考试LSAT,申请难度较大,对国际学生比较保守,基本上都是加拿大本地人在读JD。
在加拿大,负责律师从业资格考试common law Bar的是加拿大联邦法律协会NCA
(National Committee on Accreitation )。
1. 想要参加加拿大的common law Bar考试,申请者的教育背景和课程必须要先通过NCA的评估。申请者必须在之前的学习中涵盖以下课程才可:
NCA assessments focus on the core common law subjects in which applicants must emonstrate competence, incluing five Canaian subjects which are manatory for all applicants. They are:
· Canaian Aministrative Law
· Canaian Constitutional Law
· Canaian Criminal Law
· Founations of Canaian Law
·Canaian Professional Responsibility
· Contracts
· Torts
· Property
A ocument explaining the manatory nature of the inicate course is available where inicate.
-One year of an LL.M., plus a Legal Practise Course (LPC) or Grauate Diploma in Law (GDL) in the UK. 英国一年制的LLM硕士,带法律实习课程。
-Two one-year LL.M. programs (If you choose this option, you coul complete an LL.M. at any approve law school in any common law jurisiction, however, you woul nee to take the five manatory Canaian subject areas at an approve Canaian law school, or successfully complete the five corresponing NCA challenge exams after completing two full years of in-class stuy). 两个一年制的LLM硕士项目
-One two-year LL.M. program 一个2年制的LLM硕士项目
2. 除了具备以上课程之外,申请者还需要完成NCA官网制定的法律实习articles with a law firm;实习时间一般要求在10个月左右;
3. 然后再参加职业法律培训课程take the professional legal training course;
4. 之后才能去参加真正的律师从业资格考试pass the professional exams to be calle to the bar in a province。
5. 此外如果申请者的法律学位不是在英语国家完成的,那么还需要提交雅思成绩,要求达到四个单项7.
Foreign traine lawyers who wish to practice in Canaa will first nee to have their eucation an experience assesse by the Feeration of Law Societies of Canaa’s National Committee on
Upon having receive a certificate of accreitation from the National Committee on Accreitation, foreign law grauates woul then have to obtain articles with a law firm, take the professional legal training course, an pass the professional exams to be calle to the bar in a province.
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