一、从学历层次上 ,可分为:大专、本科、研究生文凭、硕士。
二、从学校类别上 ,可以分为:
1.专业艺术学业院 。如加拿大著名的四大艺术学院:诺瓦艺术与设计大学、艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计学院、阿尔伯塔艺术设计学院 、安大略艺术设计大学。
2.各大学及公立学院提供的艺术课程 。如麦吉尔大学的美术、舞蹈专业、UBC大学以及卡尔顿大学的影视专业。这些大学和学院所开设的艺术类专业,都有相当高的水准和社会影响力。
三、加拿大各类院校所开设的艺术类专业 ****
1.视觉艺术: 主要有绘画、油画、摄影等专业 2.表演艺术: 主要有音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、歌剧、话剧、作曲、剧本等专业 3.造型艺术: 主要有雕塑、建筑艺术等专业 4.视听艺术: 主要有电影、电视、多媒体应用等专业 5.艺术设计 :主要有传媒、艺术与设计、工业设计、室内设计、动漫设计等专业。
1.高中毕业及在读生: 可读艺术类院校的大学本科、公立学业院的大专。公立学院的艺术专业2~3年的大专含金量也是非常高的。
2.大专毕业生: 可以读艺术类公立学院有特色的大专文凭、研究生文凭、大学本科的特色为为的转学分课程。
3.本科毕业及在读生: 可攻读艺术院校的硕士课程、公立学院的研究生文凭课程、或大学本科的某一特色专业课程。
二、加拿大艺术院校申请条件 ****
1.最高学历证明: 高中毕业生要提供高中毕业证,本科毕业生要提供毕业证及学位证书,大专毕业生要提供大专毕业证书,在读生(高中、大专、本科),要提供在读证明。
2.在读期间的成绩单(GPA) :高中生要提供高中三年的成绩、本科毕业生至少要提供大学后两年的成绩。综合成绩不低于70%。
3.语言成绩: 加拿大艺术院校对国际留学生的语言要求较低,但至少雅思也应达到5.5~6.0分;托福80~90分。
4.个人作品: 所有的申请加拿大艺术类院校的学生,均需要提供自己的作品集,描述自己在某一领域有什么特殊的强项和长处。作品集可以是精美的原创,也可以是电子的图集或影像。
三、加拿大艺术院校申请材料 ****
1.个人作品集: 是个人艺术设计的体现,可以做成小册子,也可以是电子版、实体版。但一定要注意的是应有一定的设计理念。
2.个人陈述: 主要是文书写作,要把自己的优势全面体现出来。一般是用一篇英文文章来阐述为什么选择这个艺术专业,未来的志向是什么,要将个人的申请优势全面体现出来。
3.推荐信: 一封客观的推荐信,艺术院校更看重的是学生个人在艺术类专业方向的学习和研究的能力。
4.面试: 非常重要的环节,应提前对所申请的学校和专业有全面的了解,明确告知面试官你选这个专业的原因和目的,并准确回答面试官提出的问题。
1.录取官或导师来中国面试; 2.视频面试; 3.拿到“语言+专业双录取”的签证后,在加拿大面试。
主要是因为: 1.艺术类院校的名额有限,竞争激烈,提前申请可先占名额。 2.艺术类专业的申请不同于其他专业的申请,既审核学生的各项入学条件,还要审核作品。艺术类院校审核的时间会比其他专业审核的时间要长。
加拿大独立艺术设计院校: 诺瓦艺术与设计大学、艾米丽卡尔艺术设计学院、艾伯塔艺术设计学院、安大略艺术设计学院。这四所院校被称为加拿大四大艺术院校,以艺术设计为主要课程。
1 诺瓦艺术与设计大学
所在位置: 新斯科舍省首府哈利法克斯市。 在视觉艺术领域一直处于北美地区的领先和核心地位,是加拿大最为著名的艺术设计类大学,是加拿大唯一一所纯粹授予有并艺术专业学士 与硕士学位的大学业。
主要专业: 设计、电影制作、多媒体、摄影、绘画、水彩、美术、博物馆研究、艺术教育、珠宝设计、印刷设计、环境设计、雕刻、造型、陶瓷工艺品、金属工艺品、纺织工艺品等。
2 艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计学院
建校时间: 1925年
地理位置: BC省温哥华市中心的重要都市公园
本科专业: 动画、社交媒体、传媒设计、工业设计、交互设计、创新文化实践、综合媒体、创意写作、室内艺术、插画、摄影、视觉艺术、制陶、绘画、油画、印刷媒体、雕塑、素描、电影制作、电视制作
硕士专业: 视觉艺术、媒体艺术、数字媒体、绘画
通过slieroom展示作品集。 https://www.slieroom.com/
(1) 通过一个原创图像或20秒的媒体片段剪辑,回答问题:为什么创造力对个人和社区群体都很重要?
(2) 用3个原创图像,展示一个自己的故事。
(3) 用三种不同的材料搭建一个模型,是你会把它放在公共空间的中心的。提供创作过程。
3.写作 75~100单词,回答
l 是什么使一个沟通问题让你产生兴趣?
l 在你的经历中,什么是学习新事物过程中最好的部分?举例
l 列举你想在Emily Carr学到的东西。
Whether you are applying for first year Founation or as a transfer stuent, all applicants to Emily Carr University must submit a portfolio online through SlieRoom as part of the amission process.
Fin requirements for submitting your Founation Portfolio below. If you are a Transfer applicant, see "Transfer Applicant Portfolios" below for sample portfolio requirements.
Your portfolio is a collection of work an ieas that emonstrate the state of your creative evelopment. We want to see what you create to imagine how you might succee at Emily Carr University of Art + Design.
A strong portfolio inclues a iverse array of artwork, experimental processes, material techniques, observation skills, an creative thinking.
There is no rigi or fail-safe formula for a goo portfolio: we are looking for that unique combination of creativity, engagement, an inspiration that makes art, esign an meia eucation suitable for you.
Show us a wie range of examples of your creative practice. All meia, mixe or otherwise—from a vieo or a song, to a comic strip or a zine—are welcome.
Submit only your best work in its final state from the last two years. Be critical in your selection, as we evaluate 10 samples maximum.
Respon to three prompts using a variety of materials, from images to songs to sculpture.
· In one original image or 20-secon meia clip, answer the question: How is creativity important for both the iniviual an the community?
· In three original images, tell us a story about yourself.
· Using three ifferent materials, buil a moel of what you woul put in the centre of a public space. Inclue process sketches/photographs.
After responing to the three prompts artistically, please tell us how you feel about that entire creative process by writing no more than 50 wors.
Lastly, we want to hear your voice an learn about you through your writing. This is not a formal essay, but an opportunity for personal reflection an intellectual honesty. In 75-100 wors per answer, respon to the following three questions:
· What makes a communication problem interesting to you?
· In your experience, what is the best part of learning something new? Give an example of when you love learning as a share experience.
· Make a list of all the things you’ like to learn at Emily Carr.
3 阿尔伯塔艺术设计学院
建校时间: 1926年
地理位置: 阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里北部,靠近市区,交通方便
本科主要专业: 绘画、调塑、版画、素描、摄影、陶瓷、玻璃纤维首饰、首饰金属、自由艺术、媒体艺术、数字技术、印刷媒体、视觉艺术、摄影艺术等。
A portfolio of original visual artwork is a requirement for amission to all programs.
A portfolio submission shoul inclue the applicant’s most imaginative, best an most recent work (within two years). It shoul inclue a variety of meiums (two-three minimum) that emonstrate range as an artist.
Applicants will be sent a link to Slieroom to uploa their portfolio an Statement of Intent within one week of submitting their application.
Note: If you are a Transfer Applicant, applying for irect entry to the Bachelor of Design or Bachelor of Fine Arts, see Portfolio Requirements for Transfer Stuents.
The amissions portfolio must be your original work. Misrepresenting the work of others as your own is a violation of our Stuent Conuct proceure, as well as intellectual property rights in general. Violations are subject to sanction.
Twelve pieces of work are require. Your AUArts Portfolio must inclue at least one observational rawing an 11 aitional pieces of finishe work from a variety or range of meiums. Process work (1 piece) from a sketchbook or notebook is optional an can be inclue in lieu of one of the pieces of finishe work.
· Finishe work – Showcase a range of work in its best final state
· Process work – Provie some of your sketchbook work incluing ocumentation, research an evience of your conceptual unerstaning an thought process. To uploa multiple photos of your sketchbook pages, save it as a single PDF ocument, an submit that as 1 piece of artwork
· Each piece of artwork shoul be accompanie by an explanation of how you evelope the iea for the piece (up to 50 wors per piece)
· Observational Drawing (lanscape, still life or figure rawing) – require
· Painting
· Photographs
· Mixe Meia or collages
· 3-Dimensional artwork such as ceramics, sculpture, textiles, glass, or jewellery
· Documentation of installation art
· Creative or critical writing
· 3-D moels
· Vieo
· Animation
· Website esigns
· Performance or installation art
· Digital art (paintings, igital 3D object esign/sculptures)
· Other forms of igital meia
Note: Please refrain from submitting anime/manga an/or fan art
· Images (up to 5MB each), JPEG, EPS, GIF, PNG
· Vieo (up to 250MB each), MP4, MOV, M4V
· Auio (up to 30MB each), WAV, MP3, AIFF
· PDFs (up to 10MB each)
· 3D Moels
Note: You may also link to meia from YouTube, Vimeo an SounClou
· Originality, Inventiveness, Experimentation of Concepts – Show the evelopment of original ieas that are researche an socially relevant. This applies to both the visual pieces, but also to the explanation supporting each piece of artwork selecte for the portfolio.
· Variety of Meia, Materials, Explorations– Show experimentation in ifferent meiums – 2D an/or 3D an/or igital – incluing the use of traitional an moern materials an processes. As well, show variety in your subject matter. Explore topics that interest you in your own life - politics, people, emotion, experiences, reams etc.
· Manual Skills, Craft Execution – Show your han or manual skills in the chosen meium an/or the skill level associate with the work presente.
· Presentation an Documentation – Present your artwork in a professional manner (ie: eges croppe, enough lighting, quality photos, vieos or similar). Each piece shoul have a title, a brief escription, materials/meiums use, an size. For 3D pieces, work shoul be photographe from multiple angles with a neutral backgroun. The escription of each submission shoul etail how the concept was evelope.
· Process Work – (Optional) Artwork shoul emonstrate problem-solving, clarity of process an epth of research as proven by the notebook or sketchbook submission. Examples of meia for process work may inclue images, vieos, or moels of sketchbook work an/or creative research or ocumentation.
· Statement of Intent – Inclue a written statement or in-person ‘interview’ for those attening Portfolio Review events which will provie us with an unerstaning of you as an artist an how your goals fit with our programs an culture at AUArts. See below.
In aition to the portfolio, applicants must submit a “Statement of Intent”. The written statement shoul efine why an applicant will thrive at AUArts. The statement shoul be no longer than 500 wors total an aress the following:
Why o you want to go to art school an earn a egree?
Besies art, what else o you like to o?
What excites you about AUArts?
4 安大略艺术与设计大学
Bachelor of Design:
Graphic Design美术设计
Environmental Design环境设计
Inustrial Design工业设计
Material Art & Design物资艺术设计
Bachelor of Fine Arts:
Criticism & Curatorial Practice评论和执行
Drawing & Painting绘画
Integrate Meia综合媒体
硕士专业: 当代艺术设计与新媒体艺术史,批评与管理实践,数字艺术,包容性设计,艺术媒体与设计
创作过程:提供你的Sketchbook (速写本),创作笔记,概念/灵感手册等作为创作过程(电子文档)。
First Year Portfolio GuielinesYour portfolio is a collection of work that represents your iniviual creative an technical experiences an accomplishments an shoul be a visual representation of who you are. You nee to emonstrate that you are a visual communicator an that you are well-equippe to succee in the program you have applie to at OCAD U. This can inclue experimentation in both traitional an igital meia or any combination. Keep in min that when it comes to your portfolio, some of the most important features we look for are skill, passion, curiosity an your ability to think creatively, shown in a iverse range of meiums. Your portfolio for amission shoul inclue:
Statement of Intent: To support your application to OCAD U, we ask that you tell us about yourself through a statement of intent (300 wors maximum). Your statement of intent shoul explain your specific interest in the program that you have applie to at OCAD U as well as what or who inspires an influences the work that you o. This is your opportunity to introuce yourself as an artist/esigner/maker an provie context so we can better unerstan your work. Further etails are available through SlieRoom an you will submit your statement as part of the SlieRoom submission process.
Process Work: Inclue your sketchbook, process an concept evelopment skills as part of your portfolio submission. You can ocument your process work as a sketchbook, creative journal, concept/iea book or a igital ocument. Your process work shoul emonstrate a routine of creative process, shoul link to several of the finishe pieces inclue in the portfolio an inclue experimentation, photos of evelopment, rawing, mark-making, writing, research an inspirations. You may submit more than one sketchbook but must remember that each counts as one piece in the portfolio submission. Uploa your process work to SlieRoom as a multiple page PDF or a brief vieo.
Finishe Work: Inclue 8 to 10 examples of your original finalize work that emonstrates a variety of your skills an approaches to art, esign an meia. Be sure to inclue examples of work that is irectly relate to the program that you are applying. Also inclue explorations in traitional, igital, an experimental meiums or any combination. Show us who you are through your work an that you are well equippe to succee in the program that you have applie to at OCAD U. Be sure to appropriately label your work in SlieRoom using the fiels provie.
Descriptions: Explain in 50 wors per finishe piece the process/making metho/meia/concept an purpose of each piece. Use the aitional etails fiel in SlieRoom as you uploa your work.
Please note, there are aitional guielines for some of our programs available through our SlieRoom portal an at the following links:
5 谢尔丹学院
所在位置: 安大略省多伦多地区
4.约克大学(安大略省 多伦多市):舞蹈、电影、音乐、戏剧、设计、视觉艺术、艺术文化研究
如果孩子有意向去加拿大留学,下面为大家介绍我们金吉列以及我个人的优势 金吉列专注留学 20 年,采用的是一咨到底的咨询模式。从公司层面来说,我们做留学已经 20 年了,送出高达 110 万的留学生前往世界各地,金吉列文案的经验以及我们的学校资源和签证资源处于行业领先地位。而且我们公司只做留学这块,也就是说除了留学服务费之外,我们不会再多收任何其他的费用。再从顾问层面来说,我们采用的是一咨到底的咨询模式。顾问老师从前期规划、选校、定校、申请、录取、择校、签证、一直到孩子离境后期顺利入学。这样做的好处是我们的分工更加明确,学生无需与多个老师对接,方便且省时省力。避免各个环节工作人员不解决问题,相互推脱。确保前期顾问承诺的实现以及避免不符合实际情况的过高承诺。 在从我自己来说, 2012 年入职金吉列留学,从事加拿大留学近十年,帮助上千名学生实现留学移民梦想,也就是说无论是从你进学校之前,语言的学习,学习方法的过渡,行前的准备阶段、还是你刚进学校,第一年选课以及适应加拿大生活阶段、又或是你大学毕业后想要移民或是像更高学位发起冲击的阶段,我都能用我的知识以及经验帮助您。
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