想出国留学的小伙伴,对于托福雅思一定不陌生,语言考试始终是我们要面对的。在这里刘老师列举了几个在平时申请中总结的信息,可以让咱们在申请中豁免语言成绩。 这些是我在给学生查校,查语言要求的时候截取的,在申请要求中比较常见的。
“ The language proficiency requirement may be waive for applicants whose native language is English, or for applicants who have receive, or expect to receive, an unergrauate or grauate egree from an accreite college or university where the primary language of instruction is English. ”例如,美本的学生在申请美研不需要提供语言成绩,因为你们在以英语为母语的环境下学习了长达四年,并且顺利毕业,已经证明了你们的听、说、读、写能力。
“ If your transcript oes not clearly state that the language of instruction is English, then please uploa supporting ocumentation on institutional letterhea along with your transcript. ”对于提供成绩单的要求。
“Language waivers o not apply to stuents enrolle in institutions locate in non-English-speaking countries who, as part of a ual-egree or exchange program, have earne or are earning their unergrauate or grauate egrees in an English-speaking country.”
“To be consiere for amission, stuents must be comfortable with rapi an iiomatic spoken English. If the language of instruction of your unergrauate-egree-conferring institution is English an you complete at least two years at the institution, you nee not take further steps to prove fluency. However, if your unergrauate eucation is not conucte in English, or you complete fewer than two years at your egree-conferring institution where English was the language of instruction, you must provie official scores on the TOEFL or IELTS.”
翻译:要被考虑录取,学生必须熟悉快速和地道的英语口语。 如果您的本科学位授予机构的教学语言是英语并且您在该机构完成了至少两年的学习,则您无需采取进一步措施来证明流利程度。 但是,如果您的本科教育不是用英语进行的,或者您在以英语为教学语言的学位授予机构完成的时间少于两年,则您必须提供托福或雅思的官方分数。
"For grauate certificate applicants, if you have not complete an English language proficiency test, feel that your scores are not an accurate representation of your abilities, or simply prefer an interview, you may request an intake interview in lieu of proviing a test score. Virtual interviews are typically 30 minutes long an are arrange at the time of application review." (这是一个比较新颖的模式,学校给提供面试,以此来判定你的语言水平)
翻译:对于研究生证书申请者,如果您还没有完成英语语言能力测试,觉得您的分数不能准确代表您的能力,或者只是喜欢面试,您可以要求进行入学面试而不是提供考试成绩。 虚拟面试通常为 30 分钟,在申请审查时安排。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
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