The University of Syney
除下列公共假期(2021年12月25日至29日和2022年1月1日至3日)外,招生团队将在关闭期间工作。The University will be close for the Christmas an New Year holiays from Friay, 24th December 2021 – Friay, 7th January 2022 inclusive an will reopen on Monay, 10th January 2022.
The Amissions team will be working throughout the closeown perio except for the following public holiays (25th to 29th December 2021 an 1st to 3r January 2022).
The Australian National University
澳大利亚国立大学将于12月23日星期四下午5点关闭,并于1月4日星期二上午9点重新开放。在此期间,代理热线+61 2 6125 7113将于上午9点至下午6点(美国东部时间)开通。ANU will be close from 5pm Thursay 23 December, an re-opening at 9am Tuesay 4 January. During this time, the Agent Hotline +61 2 6125 7113 will be available from 9am - 6pm (AEDT).
The University of Western Australia
学校将在12月27-28日以及2022年1月3日关闭。其他时间学校会安排员工工作。Our office will be close on the 27-28 December as well as the 3r January 2022. We will have staff working on the other ays.
The University of Melbourne
Saturay 25 December to Monay 3 January
The University of Canberra
The University of Canberra participates in a shutown perio from 24th December 2021 - 4th January 2022
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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