Essence Securities Co., Lt. 11/16/2020-now
Assistant of the fixe-income execution team
--Stuying the bon issuance requirements of the companies in specific inustries;
--Collecting an sorting out raft materials relate to ifferent projects;
--Writing bon prospectus an upating financial ata texts.
Jiangxi Rich Capital Management Co., Lt. 06/22/2020-07/24/2020
Assistant of the option researcher
Ÿ --Complete the risk management strategy report base on the analysis of the characteristics of soybean meal erivatives;
Ÿ --Built a basic moel of European option risk exposure management an teste its effectiveness with soybean meal historical ata.
China Construction Bank, Nanchang Branch 12/30/2019-01/23/2020
Assistant of the client manager
Ÿ --Assiste the manager in analyzing the avantages of ifferent financial proucts an conucting business market research;
Ÿ --Introuce financial proucts accoring to customers’ emans, receive high net worth clients, an maintaine existing proucts.
China Lianhe Creit Rating Co., Lt. 06/19/2019-08/22/2019
Analyst intern
Ÿ --Use Win, Excel an other tools to quickly collect an process financial ata an fille 31 projects’ working papers;
Ÿ --Assiste analysts in completing rating reports an mainly responsible for the financial statements’ writing work.