1. Hua Chuang Securities Chengu, China
Investment Consultant Assistant 08/2020-10/2020
l Analyze the stock market: unerstaning relate financial concepts, such as Private Equity (PE); learning an analyzing relate icons, such as canlestick charts an time-sharing charts; practicing stock traing with simulate accounts
l Unerstoo the company’s financial proucts: participating in relevant prouct roashows; unerstaning the stock proucts, fun proucts, etc.; unerstaning ifferent purchase levels an the relevant fee-base profit system
l Conucte inustry an relate enterprise surveys: reaing research reports an other relate information; investigating the evelopment prospects of specific inustries an relate potential companies; making PowerPoint slies an presenting to investment consultants to assist with investment consultants
l Attene company morning briefings to upate information an wrote minutes of meeting
2. Inaash Lonon, UK
Investment Executive 05/2019-08/2019
l Funraise through LinkeIn to attract potential investors, an evelope a Chinese version of the funraising pitch eck an ae subtitles into the funraising vieo
l Researche the internet inustry, covering market size, growth, trens, an critical success factors an collecte an analyze financial ata for benchmarking an a strategic recommenation report
l Mae client calls to get feeback on company proucts an processes an esigne a questionnaire for proucts an actively supporte an estate agent event