做数据分析的最 终 目的,那就是通 过 数据分析来引 导产 品改 进 的能力。
Data Science研究生项目现在很多学校开设,18 Fall申美国DS做的比较多,把美国DS开设的最新情况写在这,希望有点帮助。
美国的DS项目开设的越来越多,18年就有哈佛,宾大,杜克等几所名校新开设或者开始招收国际生,而且从申请情况看,录取难度丝毫不逊色于CS. 所以说DS项目捞钱有点不负责任了,至少国外这些DS项目是实打实的,而且名校项目的就业都很不错
以下以哈佛大学为例 看下课程及招生条件
Applications to the Master of Data Science egree program for entry into the program in Fall 2019 will be accepte beginning September 2018. 第一届数据科学项目于2018年9月开始招生。
A total of 12 courses taken over at least three semesters is require.
Each stuent’s plan of stuy for the SM egree will inclue:
The four technical core courses :
AC 209a Data Science I
AC 209b Data Science II
AM 207 Avance Scientific Computing: Stochastic Methos for Data Analysis, Inference, an Optimization
CS 207 Systems Development for Computational Science
One semester of the new Critical Thinking an Data Science course
At least one research experience. This requirement can be satisfie by the AC 297r Capstone project course or a semester-length inepenent stuy project
At least one Computer Science elective an one Statistics elective chosen from the suggeste electives list
Up to one seminar course - AC 298r or similar
Up to four other ata science electives (from other FAS epartments or other schools at Harvar)
As a final requirement, the presentation of a poster on a ata science project at the annual IACS Project Showcase
对学生背景要求 : Prerequisites we expect from applicants inclue knowlege of calculus an linear algebra, familiarity with probability an statistical inference, fluency in at least one programming language such as python or R, an an unerstaning of basic computer science concepts.我们期望申请者具备的先决条件包括微积分和线性代数知识,熟悉概率和统计推断,至少精通一门编程语言(如python或R),理解基本的计算机科学概念。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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