1.Global Meia Inustries MA
(1)本科专业背景要求:不卡专业背景,接受任何专业背景的学生申请,但是申请需要提供Writing Sample,Writing Sample的具体要求:The piece of writing you shoul submit shoul be 1,000 wors in length maximum an aress the following topic:What is the most important issue facing global meia inustries toay? Why?Your essay will emonstrate your ability to:- Investigate the topic/question- Source apposite material- Unertake original research- Construct a coherent argumentUse appropriate evience an source material to support your arguments, such as textbooks, journal articles, newspaper articles an internet sources. Please inclue AT LEAST five sources. Ensure that you cite these using the Harvar referencing system an provie a full bibliography at the en of your essay.
2.Digital Asset & Meia Management MA
3.Cultural & Creative Inustries MA
(1)本科专业背景要求:不卡专业背景,接受任何专业背景的学生申请,但有Writing Sample要求,Writing Sample具体要求:The piece of writing you shoul submit shoul be 1,000 wors in length an aress the following topic: What is the most important issue facing cultural an creative inustries toay? Why? Your essay will emonstrate your ability to:- Investigate the topic/question- Source apposite material- Unertake original research- Construct a coherent argumentUse appropriate evience an source material to support your arguments, such as textbooks, journal articles, newspaper articles an internet sources. Please inclue AT LEAST five sources. Ensure that you cite these using the Harvar referencing system an provie a full bibliography at the en of your essay.
4.Digital Culture & Society MA
5.Film Stuies (Film & Philosophy pathways available) MA
(1)本科专业背景要求:要求电影研究或者其他含有大量电影或媒体类课程的学科背景,且要求提供Writing Sample,Writing Sample具体要求: You must also provie a piece of written work of at least 4,000 wors on a relevant topic. If you have been away from stuy an are unable to submit a previous piece of work, you will nee to write a new essay. What we are looking for is evience of your ability to research a topic an write about film in a theoretically informe way. You can write about any topic an any film or group of films you like. We are looking for an ability to perform close analysis of films, an their prouction, circulation an reception circumstances. We expect your essay to be informe by an refer to acaemic writing on your chosen topic.
6.Digital Humanities MA
7.Strategic Communications MA
8.International Relations MA
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