University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校
录取截止:December 1,
GPA内容:Bachelor egreeAn international stuent whose post-seconary eucation is complete outsie of the U.S. is expecte to hol a egree representing completion of at least four years of stuy with above average scholarship from a university or university-level institution.
TOEFL/IELTS 内容:Your IELTS Acaemicoverall ban score shoul be at least 7.0. 7.0is theminimumrequire.Your TOEFLscore onthe paper an pencil test must be at least 560or at least 87 on the internet-base test.For the internet-base TOEFL (TOEFL iBT), the following are the expecte scores for each section:Writing: 25Speaking: 24Reaing: 21Listening: 17 TOEFLscores shoul be sent to your major epartment. Be sure to list the TOEFL institution coe for UCLA 4837. 托福要求最低87;
内容:GRE: General需要提供GRE,但没有具体分数要求
学院信息名称social science
two years from entrance into the epartment to qualify uner the master's paper system. This means that stuents must be nominate for faculty review no later than the sixth quarter of resience. The nomination must be mae regarless of the state of the paper. All the requirements for the M.A. egree must be complete by the en of the quarter in which stuents are nominate for faculty review.42个学分的学习需要在2年里完成,需要交论文。
背景要求内容:Although unergrauate or masters-level stuy in sociology or relate isciplines is esirable, it is not manatory for amission to the epartment. Applicants nee not be uniformly high on all inicators of potential. 本科没有背景要求,但如果是社会学相关专业更好。
课程设置内容: Require Courses*42 Units201A. Proseminar: SociologyUnits: 2Seminar, two hours every other week. Require of first-year grauate sociology stuents. Introuction to range of theoretical an research interests represente by epartment faculty members. S/U graing.201B. Proseminar: SociologyUnits: 2Seminar, two hours every other week. Require of first-year grauate sociology stuents. Introuction to range of theoretical an research interests represente by epartment faculty members. S/U graing.201C. Proseminar: SociologyUnits: 2Seminar, two hours every other week. Require of first-year grauate sociology stuents. Introuction to range of theoretical an research interests represente by epartment faculty members. S/U graing.202A. Theory an Research in SociologyUnits: 4Lecture, two hours; iscussion, two hours. Require of first-yeargrauate sociology stuents. Examination of interrelations of theory, metho, an substance in exemplary sociological works, with analytical an skills-centere orientation. In Progress graing (creit to be given only on completion of course 202B).
奖学金内容:UCLA has various funing opportunities an almost all amitte PhD sociology stuents obtain competitive funing packages epening on their merit an progress in the program. The main funing opportunities are grauate ivision fellowships, epartmental fellowships, an extramural funing. For incoming stuents by far the largest source of support comes in the offers of one or multiple years of support that the Department makes to amitte stuents. Some of these funs originate from sources outsie the Department, but are controlle by the Department.
1) Three letters of recommenation, preferably from professors of sociology or relate social science fiels who are familiar with the applicant's written work an research experiences.
2) Transcripts from all colleges where the applicant has stuie (the Department's evaluation consiers not only the recor in sociology, but all unergrauate work an grauate work, where relevant).
3) Statement of purpose outlining reasons for pursuing grauate work, interests within sociology, an any pertinent intellectual an career experiences an interests. The Amissions Committee consiers a strong applicant to have well-conceive research interests, past research accomplishment, an intellectual biography. It shoul not excee 3 ouble-space pages.
4) Optional Personal Statement: while statement of purpose (escribe above) is about your work, your personal statement is about you – an how you’ll contribute to the iversity of ieas at UCLA. For aitional guiance, please see the University of California’s guiance on Personal Statements.4) A writing sample, such as copies of one or two term papers or research reports written by the applicant
;5) Official Grauate Recor Examination (GRE) score report. The institution coe for UCLA for the GRE is 4837 an the Sociology epartment coe is 2102.6) for applicants whose native language is not English, an official statement of scores of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Testing System examination (IELTS). The minimum scores require is 7.0 for IELTS an 87 for TOEFL.
Please see etaile information about English Requirements an Proficiency on the Grauate Division site.
GRE is 4837 an the Sociology epartment coe is 2102.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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