标化成绩:GPA 3.72,TOEFL 111,GRE 332
Grauate School of Arts an Sciences (GSAS)
Mathmatics Hall
Master of Arts program in Mathematics with specialization in the Mathematics of Finance (MAFN)
此专业可以Part-time和Full-time,国际学生需要F1或者J1需要Full-time。只有秋季,没有春季,全日制学生在2-3个学期完成课程,而兼职学生通常需要2 - 3年。 在过去,大多数全日制学生在两个学期后毕业,但现在大多数都利用了三个学期。
在过去,在秋季或春季学期,我们确保所有必修课程至少有一个晚间课程,以便为兼职学生学习。 但现在由于兼职学生人数下降,2020年9月或之后参加该计划的学生可能不会有晚间课程了。 对于已于2019年9月或之前注册该计划的所有兼职学生,它将继续不会受到影响。
我们努力在严谨的理论课程和尖端的应用课程之间取得平衡,在很多情况下,偏应用的课程由金融行业的专业人士讲授。 除了该计划提供的金融,数学和统计学课程,学生还可以参加整个大学其他的课程。
MATH GR 5010 Introuction to the Mathematics of Finance
STAT GR 5263 Statistical Inference / Time-Series Moeling
STAT GR 5264 Stochastic Processes – Applications
STAT GR 5265 Stochastic Methos in Finance
MATH GR 5030 Numerical Methos in Finance
MATH GR 5050 Practitioners’ Seminar
在2017年秋季,我们有194名注册学生,其中96名是全日制的第一学期学生,92名是全日制的第三学期学生,还有一名是全职学生,他是一名全职学生。 我们有6名兼职学生,其中3名是第一学期。
学生平均每门选修1.9门选修课,总共361门选修课。 以下是各部门和学校的分布情况:
Department / School
Financial Risk Management an Regulation
Capital Markets an Investments
Programming for Quant an Comp Finance
Quant Methos in Investment Management
Fixe Income Portfolio Management
Statistical Methos in Finance
MAFN Fielwork
Hege Fun Strategies an Risk
Linear Regression Moels
Bayesian Moels in Machine Learning
Neural Networks an Deep Learning
Avance Data Analysis
Stat Computation an Intro to Data Science
Introuction to Data Science
Stochastic Control an Applications
Ø 申请人应具备非常好的微积分,线性代数,基本微分方程,概率和统计学以及编程语言的工作知识。
Ø 接触高级微积分和数学分析(包括测量理论)是有优势的,但不是必需的。
Ø 推荐用于自学的文本
① Ross: “A First Course in Probability”
② Moo, Graybill & Boes: “Introuction to the Theory of Statistics”
③ Ruin: “Principles of Mathematical Analysis”
Statement of Acaemic Purpose个人陈述
Please use your statement of acaemic purpose to aress the following:
· Why o you want to stuy the mathematics of finance, an why o you want to o it in Columbia University’s Mathematics of Finance program?
· How have your activities since finishing high school prepare you to stuy the mathematics of finance?
· How have you satisfie the mathematics, statistics, an programming prerequisites liste above? We often spen an inorinate amount of time sifting through the application to figure this out. List mathematics, statistics, computer science, an programming courses you have taken, an list projects an activities where you have use these skills. If you have acquire some of this knowlege by self-stuy, then you may ask one or more of the people who write reference letters for you to comment on it.
ThreeLetters of Recommenation
Depening on your work experience an the length of time since grauation, we will accept letters of recommenation from employers or colleagues as substitutes for one or more of your three acaemic letters of recommenation.
Work Experience
If you have previous work experience relate to finance, then please make sure to mention it on your resume. It is a valuable part of your backgroun for purposes of amission to the MAFN program.
Test Scores
For information about the TOEFL/IELTS requirement for international stuents, see
Information for International Stuents.
The MAFN Program requires GRE (general)scores or GMAT scores. GRE scores are preferre. GRE subject test scores are not require.
Potential applicants often ask what level of GRE or GMAT scores is expecte. Please unerstan that test scores is not the only thing that counts. All aspects of an application are important, incluing recommenation letters, work experience, relevant knowlege, skills an accomplishments, courses taken, graes, evience of iligence, motivation, an creativity, an evience of the ability to succee at Columbia University an in the global worl of finance.
170分的定量GRE分数是最大可能分数。 根据2017-2018分数使用GRE指南,在7月1日之间参加考试的所有人中,160分的口头GRE分数为第76百分位,分析性写作GRE分数为4.0分为第60百分位数 ,2013年和2016年6月30日。这意味着76%的考生的口语分数低于160,而60%的分析写作分数低于4.0。
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
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