今天要和大家分享一个学生 UCL 的 offer , 其实拿到 UCL 的 offer 并没有多厉害,厉害的是我们是递交后 3 天 出结果! 1 月 23 号晚上递交申请, 1 月 25 号 UCL 确认收到推信, 1 月 26 号出 offer 感觉这个 offer 是坐火箭来的!
现在给大家揭秘我学生的申请的专业: Leaership MA
丹妮老师相信很多同学都不知道这个专业,根据我们 “大数据”分析,这个专业的申请量不及 IOE 的 Eucation MA 的百分之一,所以很多想申请 Eucation MA 的同学可以考虑下这个专业。
1. Leaership MA
隶属于伦敦大学学院 IOE 学院, 教育领导与管理系 下, 本科学公共事业管理的学生申请更有优势,如果无专业背景,需要 两年相关工作经验
Core moules
Leaing an Managing Change an Improvement
Optional moules
Doing an Using Eucational Leaership an Management Research
Leaership for the Learning Community
Leaing in Diverse Cultures an Communities
Developing Personal Leaership Skills*
Exploring Eucational Policy*
Finance an Resource Management*
Values, Vision an Moral Purpose*
2.Eucation MA
同样隶属于伦敦大学学院 IOE 学院,但是在 教育教学评估系 下,社科类学科即可,本科教育学、语言学、英语类更有优势
Core moules
What is Eucation?
Optional moules
Critical Perspectives on Teaching an Learning
Curriculum, Policy an Practice
Sociology of Eucation
Philosophy of Eucation: Values, Aims an Society
Assessment: Issues an Practice
Eucation an Development in Asia
Gener, Sexuality an Eucation
Eucation, Ethics an Imagination in a Globalising Worl
International Perspectives on Eucation Reform: Curriculum an Assessment
Design an Use of Technologies for Eucation
Assessment for Learning
Contemporary Issues an Debates in Primary Eucation
Rights an Eucation
Teaching Controversial Issues
Eucational Traitions an Systems in Europe
Shakespeare in Eucation
Contemporary Issues in English Eucation
Digital Technologies for Mathematical Learning
Unerstaning Mathematics Eucation
Philosophy of Eucation: Knowlege, Min an Unerstaning
如果符合 Leaership这个专业 要求的小可爱们,建议大家申请这个坐着火箭出 Offer 的专业
下面再给大家看看其他大学教育学的要求及 offer
学校名称:University of Einburgh(爱丁堡大学)
专业名称: Eucation MA
2:1 honours egree, or its international equivalent, in a relevant iscipline.
IELTS: total 7.0 (at least 6.5 in each moule)
学校名称: King’s College Lonon (伦敦大学国王学院)
专业名称: Eucation Management MA
A 2:1 unergrauate egree (or international equivalent)
7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in each skill
学校名称: The University of Manchester( 曼彻斯特大学 )
专业名称: MA Eucation (International) (国际教育)
入学要求: A goo honours egree (minimum 2:1) or the overseas equivalent, in a relate area.
雅思要求: IELTS test score of 6.5 or more overall, with a minimum writing score of 6.5 an no other subsection below 6.0
University of York (约克大学)
专业: Eucation (教育学)
准入要求: verage egree score 80 or above.
雅思要求: 6.5 with minimum 6.0 in all components
小可爱们有想继续了解详尽信息的,快快联系丹妮老师哦 ~
客服专线: 400-010-8000
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给小姐姐打call 专业!耐心!细心!