香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University),简称“浸大”(HKBU),位于香港九龙,为香港特区政府全面资助的八所公立研究型综合大学之一。其前身为香港浸信会联会于1956年创办的私立高等学府,致力提供全人教育。现为京港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、沪港大学联盟成员,获教育部列入国家重点高校名单。
Master of Science (MSc) in Business Management
Core Courses
ACCT 7060 Business Accounting (3 units)
BUS 7080 Business Research Methoology an Application (3 units)
ECON 7015 Business Economics in the Digital Era (3 units)
FIN 7940 Corporate Finance an Governance (3 units)
MGNT 7780 Manageing People an Organization (3 units)
MKT 7080 Managing Marketing (3 units)
Require Courses
BUSD 7021-2 MScBM Capstone Business Project (3 units)
BUS 7470 Business Fiel Stuy (3 units)
Elective Courses
ACCT 7080 Financial Statement Analysis (3 units)
ACCT 7890 Avance Management Accounting an Control Systems (3 units)
ACCT 7900 Intellectual Property an Data Protection Compliance (3 units)
BUS 7060 Business Law an Corporate Governance (3 units)
BUS 7070 Business Operations (3 units)
BUS 7400 Legal Aspects of China Trae an Investment (3 units)
BUS 7440 Entrepreneurship Development (3 units)
BUS 7450 Business Creativity (3 units)
ECON 7620 International Macroeconomics an Policy Issues (3 units)
ECON 7630 International Trae an Finance in China (3 units)
ECON 7860 Big Data Analytics for Business (3 units)
FIN 7920 Financial Technology (FinTech) (3 units)
FIN 7930 International Investmenet (3 units)
FIN 7760 Derivative Securities an Risk Management (3 units)
FIN 7770 Investment an Portfolio Analysis (3 units)
HRM 7600 Global Human Resources Management (3 units)
HRM 7640 Human Resources Analytics (3 units)
ISEM 7050 Current Issues in Electronic Commerce (3 units)
MGNT 7250 Leaership an Organizational Development (3 units)
MKT 7100 Management of Integrate Marketing Communications (3 units)
MKT 7130 Services Marketing Management (3 units)
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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