获录取专业:Global Communication (Master of Arts)
课程时长: 1年
预计毕业时间: 2021/7
专业名称:Global Communication 全球传播
托福要求:score of 580 (paper-base) or 92 (internet-base) or above
学费:HK$165,000 per annum
Globalization an Communication
Applie Communication Research
Communication in Intercultural Settings
Seminar in Communication Theories
Global Internet: Comparison an Critique
Topical Stuies in Communication I, II
Statistical Analysis in Communication
Public Relations for Risk Inustries
Meia Management
Crisis Management
Topical Stuies in Corporate Communication I,II, III, VI, V
Strategic Public Relations in Greater China
English News Writing an Reporting
Topical Stuies in Journalism I, II
Analyzing Public Affairs
Journalism Theory an Analysis
Feature Writing
Public Relations an Globalization
Setting the Agena through Social Meia
New Meia an Society
Topical Stuies in Global Communication I, II
Unerstaning Culture through Film
Issues of ICTs in China
Communication Patterns in Chinese Society
Topical Stuies in Communication III, IV
Avance Qualitative Communication Research
Avance English News Writing an Reporting
Our grauates have foun employment in a broa range of fiels such as journalism, NGO an intergovernmental organization work, PR, marketing, commerce, finance an eucation. Overall, critical thinking skills, knowlege, an experiences gaine in the Global Communication program have provie them with the necessary tools to thrive in toay’s competitive job market, an more importantly, to o so with informe knowlege of an respect for other cultures an lifestyles (see alumni voices).
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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