学生姓名 : Li 同学
成绩概况 : GPA 3.9 ,IELTS:95,SAT1400
学校背景及专业 :加州2年美高
录取专业 : 经济学
录取学校: 德州奥斯汀(US.News全美排名56同时世界排名前50)
德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校 (University of Texas at Austin ,简称 UT Austin) ,成立于 1883 年,是德克萨斯州州立 系统中的主校区,也是德克萨斯州境内最顶尖的高等学府之一, 建于 1883 年, 主校园离位于奥斯汀的德克萨斯州州政府总部不足一里。现有学生人数 49,696(2005 年秋季统计资料 ) ,为全美单一校园中学生人数中第五大的大学 (2005 年秋季统计资料 ) 。除奥斯汀主校区外, Pickle 研究校区 (J. J. PickleResearch Campus) 位于奥斯汀北部,而该校天文系亦负责位于得州西部戴维斯山区的麦当劳天文台。
1、 美高期间GPA较高;
2、 课外活动丰富;
3 、有较强的领导力及批判性思维体现。
1、 缺乏学术类的经竞赛;
2、 活动多单无体系;
3 、申请初期标化,托福88分,sat 1360都比较低。
A. 咨询时
Yukii 同学申请2018年秋本科入学是在2017年6月才回国开始找的留学办理机构;初次接触就感受到浓重的“被之前出国高中办理机构坑了”;同她聊天知道,留短短的回国几日先后对比很多家大大小小的留学机构及老师。但Yukii比较活泼,有自己的主见及想法,整个咨询过程持续将近3小时,但申请在即,标化无理想成绩(T:75;SAT:1210);ED/EA 11月1日截止,暑假已经提前报名去云南支教,申请目标是美国排名前30,世界排名前50的目标。全面的了解信息,分析了他的优势、劣势,并提出了扬长避短的解决方案和思路。
B. 申请时
6、成功录取——在2018年2月春节过后的第一天,就收到了德州奥斯汀的本新录取offer,YUKII的ream 学校!
What was theenvironment in which you were raise? Describe your family, home,neighborhoo or community, an explain how it has shape you as a person.
All applicants must submit threeshort answers responing to prompts in your amissions application. Answers arelimite to no more than 40 lines, or about 250 – 300 wors.
Short Answer Prompts Short Answer 1: Career Plans
If you coul have any career,what woul it be? Why? Describe any activities you are involve in, lifeexperiences you’ve ha, or even classes you’ve taken that have helpe youientify this professional path.
Tips to consier: This is an opportunity to escribe your acaemic anfuture professional interests. You may not yet be 100% certain about what youwant to o, but is there a particular fiel that you think you want to work in,or a certain path you want to pursue after college? How have your interests anexperiences influence your choice of majors or your plans to explore incollege?
Short Answer 2:Acaemics
Do you believe your acaemicrecor (transcript information an test scores) provie an accuraterepresentation of you as a stuent? Why or why not?
Tips to consier: Feel free to aress anything you want the Office ofAmissions to know about your acaemic recor so that we can consier thisinformation when we review your application. You can iscuss your acaemicwork, class rank, GPA, iniviual course graes, test scores, an/or theclasses that you took or the classes that were available to you. You can alsoescribe how special circumstances an/or your school, community, an familyenvironments impacte your high school performance.
Short Answer 3:Leaership
How o you show leaership inyour life? How o you see yourself being a leaer at UT Austin?
Tips to consier: Leaership can be emonstrate by positions you holas an officer in a club or organization, but other types of leaership areimportant too. Leaers can emerge in various situations at any given time,incluing outsie of the school experience. Please share a brief escription ofthe type of leaership qualities you possess, from school an non-schoolrelate experiences, incluing emonstrations of leaership in your job, yourcommunity, or within your family responsibilities, an then share how you hopeto emonstrate leaership as a member of our campus community.
Anycollege transcript(s):collegecreit earne while in high school
10.Letter(s) ofrecommenation: appreciate but not require
2. 所参加的活动背景最好具有集中的体现;
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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