21falluc 文书题目:
# 1 escribe an example of your leaership experience in which you have positively influence others, helpe resolve isputes or contribute to group efforts over time. ****
things to consier: a leaership role can mean more than just a title. it can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lea role in organizing an event or project. think about what you accomplishe an what you learne from the experience. what were your responsibilities?
i you lea a team? how i your experience change your perspective on leaing others? i you help to resolve an important ispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? an your leaership role oesn’t necessarily have to be limite to school activities. for example, o you help out or take care of your family?
文书解析:此题关键在于对 leaership 的理解。领导者不仅仅是个头衔,更代表着一种责任。它既可以是别人的导师也可以是某一特定任务的负责人又或者是在某场活动 / 项目中担任领导职位。你是如何在团队中带领他人或者组织策划某个项目的 ? 你从中学到了什么 ? 你的责任是什么 ?
# 2 every person has a creative sie, an it can be expresse in many ways: problem solving, original an innovative thinking, an artistically, to name a few. escribe how you express your creative sie.
things to consier: what oes creativity mean to you? o you have a creative skill that is important to you? what have you been able to o with that skill? if you use creativity to solve a problem, what was your solution? what are the steps you took to solve the problem?
how oes your creativity influence your ecisions insie or outsie the classroom? oes your creativity relate to your major or a future career?
# 3 what woul you say is your greatest talent or skill? how have you evelope an emonstrate that talent over time?
things to consier: if there’s a talent or skill that you’re prou of, this is the time to share it. you on’t necessarily have to be recognize or have receive awars for your talent ﹙although if you i an you want to talk about it, feel free to o so﹚. why is this talent or skill meaningful to you?
oes the talent come naturally or have you worke har to evelop this skill or talent? oes your talent or skill allow you opportunities in or outsie the classroom? if so, what are they an how o they fit into your scheule?
# 4 escribe how you have taken avantage of a significant eucational opportunity or worke to overcome an eucational barrier you have face.
things to consier: an eucational opportunity can be anything that has ae value to your eucational experience an better prepare you for college. for example, participation in an honors or acaemic enrichment program, or enrollment in an acaemy that ’ s geare towar an occupation or a major, or taking avance courses that interest you — just to name a few.
if you choose to write about eucational barriers you’ve face, how i you overcome or strive to overcome them? what personal characteristics or skills i you call on to overcome this challenge? how i overcoming this barrier help shape who are you toay?
中文解析 : 描述一次你如何利用了一个重大的教育机会如何去战胜了你学业上的困难。
opportunity 可以是任何在你校内基础上附加更多价值的经历,包括 honor 课程,专业和职业上的课程,暑假课程,研学课程也行。如果要写这个题,课题研究,社会实践,素质教育等自主学习的经历可能更符合我们国内的学生。另一种选择是遇到教育上的挑战,这里在加州或美国的教育背景下,通常适用于那些来自低收入家庭、新移民、第一代大学、身体缺陷或残疾的学生,可在受教育和成长过程中受到各种挑,你是如何战胜或是努力去挑战他们的。在解决这些问题的时候你运用了哪些个人能力?战胜及解决这些问题对于造就今天的你有何影响?
不管是教育机会还是挑战,对于通过这次经历学到的知识和能力的其他应用。如何“ shape who you are toay” 展望未来,如何精进学术能力,专业和未来职业上的规划,和如何 give back.
# 5 escribe the most significant challenge you have face an the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. how has this challenge affecte your acaemic achievement?
things to consier: a challenge coul be personal, or something you have face in your community or school. why was the challenge significant to you? this is a goo opportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve face an what you’ve learne from the experience. i you have support from someone else or i you hanle it alone?
if you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are you oing now, an oes that affect ifferent aspects of your life? for example, ask yourself, “how has my life change at home, at my school, with my friens or with my family?”
这个挑战可以是个人的,也可以是你遇到的在你的社区或学校里的。首先需要定义你遇到的挑战 / 困难。什么挑战? “ 时间、地点、人物和起因 ” 。然后是讲述客服重大挑战的过程,也就是 “ 经过 ” ,为什么这个挑战对你来说很重大 / 重要?你遇到什么障碍?你学到了什么?是否有人帮你还是自己解决?如何帮?如何解决?需要有足够的细节支撑。
# 6 think about an acaemic subject that inspires you. escribe how you have furthere this interest insie an/or outsie of the classroom.
things to consier: many stuents have a passion for one specific acaemic subject area, something that they just can’t get enough of. if that applies to you, what have you one to further that interest? iscuss how your interest in the subject evelope an escribe any experience you have ha insie an outsie the classroom — such as volunteer work, internships, employment, summer programs, participation in stuent organizations an/or clubs — an what you have gaine from your involvement.
has your interest in the subject influence you in choosing a major an/or future career? have you been able to pursue coursework at a higher level in this subject ﹙honors, ap, ib, college or university work﹚? are you inspire to pursue this subject further at uc, an how might you o that?
很多学生对某一个特定领域和学术有兴趣。你对哪一个特定领域和学术有兴趣?想要自发性学习?如果这是你,你做了什么去进一步追求这样的兴趣。描述你在学术上的兴趣和发展,且描述任何你在课内或课外经历 – 比如社团活动,实习,工作,暑期项目,参加学生组织或社团,你从你这些经历得到了什么。
你做了什么去进一步追求这样的兴趣?可以是校内相关课程( ap , ib )、研究课题、竞赛等项目。也可以是课外考评任务, research ,实习,暑期项目,社团活动,用到这一科目上的技能和知识。比如以前一个学生物的学生去动物收容所当志愿者,对历史感兴趣的去博物馆做讲解员等。
你对该学科的兴趣是否影响了你选择一个专业或未来的职业?你是否会在 uc 继续学习该学科,你如何打算?写这个题目的时候需要指明你要学的专业和你对职业上的规划,这里建议寻找并点名一个你所关注的社会问题。
# 7 what have you one to make your school or your community a better place?
things to consier: think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or a place — like your high school, hometown or home. you can efine community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. was there a problem that you wante to fix in your community?
why were you inspire to act? what i you learn from your effort? how i your actions benefit others, the wier community or both? i you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community?
中文解析:你做了些什么让你的学校或社区变得更好。 这道题是给你机会表现自己的社会责任感。
把社区当成一个学术名词,可以包括一个小组、团队或一个地方 – 比如学校、家乡或家。你可以把 community 这个词自己定义,只要是讨论在这个社区你的角色就好。是否有一个问题你想要去在你的社区修正 / 改善?
你为什么被启发?你从你的付出中学到了什么?你的行动如何帮助了其他人、或更大的社区?你自己一个人还是有跟别人一些合作在社区发起了一些活动或改变?写作过程中需要描述结果。 1 )你帮助了哪些人,是否有改善问题。 2 )你个人能力上的锻炼和收获。 3 )你对该问题是否有更深刻的认识和理解,未来如何继续且更好的服务社区。 4 )是否来了 uc 也可以做相关的事情?或希望为 uc 的 community 做些什么。
注意时间线 , 长时间不间断的付出相比短时间无规划无组织的一次活动要好,可想而知,更多影响力,更强社会责任感、更要求你的领导力、组织能力、解决问题、沟通能力等。
# 8 beyon what has alreay been share in your application, what o you believe makes you stan out as a strong caniate for amissions to the university of california?
things to consier: if there’s anything you want us to know about you, but in’t fin a question or place in the application to tell us, now’s your chance. what have you not share with us that will highlight a skill, talent, challenge or opportunity that you think will help us know you better?
from your point of view, what o you feel makes you an excellent choice for uc? on’t be afrai to brag a little.
中文解析:你有 freestyle 吗?基本上是说,如果之前的七道题没有合适或不够你表达某些自我经历和想法的,就在这里说吧。不管是性格特点、技能特长、遇到的挑战或机遇,还有什么想要让招生官了解的、代表你自己的,想说啥就说出来!可劲儿表现吧!
值得注意的是,虽然加州大学有 8 道题目,但就其写作主题可以分成四 类: 四大类
在考虑加州大学文书前,我们需要深入了解大学对文书要求的想法,与其他大学不同的是,加州大学申请是不需要提交推荐信的,这也是加州大学为什么需要提交 4 个文书,大学需要从多角度来了解你是什么样的人?你的背景、你的个性、你的成就,你的思考和行动。 因此 uc 的文书更像一篇短篇小说,更侧重于个人的经历和成长。 在很大程度上依赖于对生活事件、人物、地点和感受的描述,文书需要在真实的基础上进行具体和描述,事件、参与的人员、你的创意、过程中学到了什么?它如何改变你与其他对象或与人交互的方式?如何塑造你?如何影响你的思考和行动?
加州大学文书的选题方面很需要技巧,需要从全局考虑你的选题,充分思考如何用 4 个不同的事件或者主题凸显与众不同的自己,考虑每个题目之间的关联性、递进层次,仔细梳理自己的课外活动、兴趣爱好、个性特征,全面、综合地搭建自己的 uc 形象。
加州大学的 1-7 题都是命题作文,只有第八题是开放性命题,如果感到自己在前三题中没有好好展示自己,请抓住第 8 题这个自由、开放的机会,再次回看自己的其他加州文书,在展示自己中还有哪些不足或意犹未尽的地方,通过第 8 题来给自己一个机会!
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