09/2016-06/ 2020 北京航空航天大学 计算机科学技术 本科 3.71/4.0
toefl 102; gre: 319+4.0
institute of automation, chinese acaemy of sciences jul.2019-nov.2019
conucte research an experiment: esign network architecture search ﹙nas﹚ algorithm. one paper submitte as first author.
conucte experiment an paper organization: 3 object etection with point clous an images. relate paper submitte to icra2020, secon author.
parallel coe architecture esign an implement with pytorch on gpu; ata visualization an analyzation.
iniviual privacy in eep learning moels for en user, school of computer science an engineering sep. 2019-present
conuct research an experiments. paper preparing for submission as first author.
secon prize of the 4th “huaheng cup” robot challenge, school of mechanical engineering & automation
first prize of basketball competition, school of mechanical engineering & automation
院校 专业 结果
northeastern university ph computer science 录取
columbia university ph computer science 转为硕士审理中
学生优势:本科专业和申请专业相关,gpa较好,学生科研经历丰富,研究项目含金量高和申请专业相关,难度较高,项目进展顺利并取得显著成果,作为第二作者有论文发表boosting 3 object etection via point clous segmentation an fuse 3 giou-l1 loss. 2020 international conference on robotics an automation ﹙icra﹚, paris, france. submitte
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