sep. 2017- may 2019, brown university, us
master of science in physics, gpa:3.25/4.0
sep. 2013-jun. 2017, zhejiang university, cn
bachelor of science in physics ﹙chu kochen honors college﹚, gpa: 3.21/4.0
toefl 106 , gre321+3.0, gre physics 930
superconucting insulation phase transition ec.2017-may 2019
obtaine the phase transition by forming an ino of ifferent thickness to observe the resistance of the metal film at low temperature
esigne some equipment, such as battery swipe box, sample sticks
electron-positron plasma ynamics ec.2016-jul. 2017
investigate characteristic solution of magnetic flui equations of an exact relativistic plasma wave in an electron-positron plasma
ientifie navier-stokes equations with quasi-stationary metho
receive both convergence an ivergence result an the convergence solutions showe non-linear ynamics
research on 3 ray tracing algorithm in inoor scene jun. 2016- jul. 2017
trace the electromagnetic wave path reflecte in a room an eventually reach a certain point with binary tree metho; achieve total magnitue of the fiel strength
investigate the signal of cellphone in a room which is relate to the position of the cellphone an the antenna
the seimentation of zinc on liqui phase basement jan.2016-jul.2016
eposite zinc on liqui phase basement
observe the thin film an measure the physical property through stm
esign an buil light path to investigate igital holography jan.2015-jan. 2016
evelope metho to recoring all information﹙intensity, wavelength an phase﹚ of a beam of light with a specific light path; reprouce holography with a new matlab coe
secon prize of vivli microsoft innovation challenge;
secon prize acaemic scholarship in 2014
院校 专业 结果
university of texas at austin physics 拒录
cornell university physics 拒录
rice university physics 拒录
new york university physics 拒录
northeastern university physics 拒录
university of massachusetts, amherst physics
mechanical engineering 拒录
stevens institute of technology mechanical engineering 录取
university of marylan, college park physics 拒录
washington university in st. louis physics
mechanical engineering 拒录
tufts university physics 拒录
university of miami physics 录取
new jersey institute of technology physics 未出结果
boston university physics 拒录
university of california, irvine physics 拒录
stony brook university, suny physics 拒录
baylor university physics 录取
northwestern university physics 拒录
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