学生姓名 g同学
申请类型 硕/博
教育经历 09/2016-06/ 2020 北京航空航天大学 计算机科学技术 本科 3.71/4.0
语言/标化考试成绩 toefl 102; gre: 319+4.0
工作经历 无
institute of automation, chinese acaemy of sciences jul.2019-nov.2019
· conucte research an experiment: esign network architecture search ﹙nas﹚ algorithm. one paper submitte as first author.
· conucte experiment an paper organization: 3 object etection with point clous an images. relate paper submitte to icra2020, secon author.
· parallel coe architecture esign an implement with pytorch on gpu; ata visualization an analyzation.
1. iniviual privacy in eep learning moels for en user, school of computer science an engineering sep. 2019-present
conuct research an experiments. paper preparing for submission as first author.
2. few-shot object etection, school of computer science an engineering sep. 2018-jun. 2019
conucte research an network esign: make use of few-shot theory an metho an apply to object etection problem ﹙specifically, faster rcnn﹚, to explore strategy of reucing ata-epenence in eep learning.
achieve all ata processing an some network builing relate coe.
3. asc stuent supercomputer challenge ﹙2019﹚ jan. 2018-apr. 2019
represente as a core member on the team of beihang university, responsible for ai topics.
explore, compare ifferent moels in the relate fiel. achieve coe implementation for improving esign of the gan an cnn networks base on pytorch framework, as well as ataset testing an visual analysis of results.
won the first places in tasks of single image super resolution ﹙sisr﹚ an face super resolution ﹙fsr﹚.
4. mobile phone application research base on visual salience, school of computer science an engineering ec. 2017-mar. 2018
achieve algorithm principle analysis an experimental calculation.
participate in anroi app esign.
5. on-chip robot program, school of mechanical engineering & automation ec. 2016-mar. 2017
participate in the esign an final isplay of the anti-magnetic levitation micro-operation platform.
1. first prize & highest linpack, asc19 stuent supercomputer challenge
2. secon-class unergrauate merit scholarship, beihang university
3.special unergrauate merit scholarship for iscipline competition, beihang university
4. energy star merit scholarship, shenyuan honors college, beihang university
5. highest ifficulty ﹙a1﹚ gol awar in the 7th “canta al mar” international chorus competition, calella, barcelona, spain
6. gol awar of vocal performance at municipal level, beijing college stuents music festival
7. meritorious winner, american college stuents mathematical moeling competition
8. national first prize of performance, the 5th college stuent art festival, china
9. secon prize of the 4th “huaheng cup” robot challenge, school of mechanical engineering & automation
10. first prize of basketball competition, school of mechanical engineering & automation
学生优势:本科专业和申请专业相关,gpa较好,学生科研经历丰富,研究项目含金量高和申请专业相关,难度较高,项目进展顺利并取得显著成果,作为第二作者有论文发表boosting 3 object etection via point clous segmentation an fuse 3 giou-l1 loss. 2020 international conference on robotics an automation ﹙icra﹚, paris, france. submitte
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